Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A couple of things from the Badgers presser...

There are a few items of interest for Sioux fans from the University of Wisconsin media day press conference. Coach Eaves touches on a Craig Smith snap and also the type of hockey team that UND is.
QUESTION #3: To what extent did the frustrations of the whole weekend kind of boil over in the third period of Saturday's game?

EAVES: Well, you know, it's a 1-0 game and we tie it up in the third period, even though we hadn't played that well. And I think the frustration kind of rose itself through Mr. Smith's actions there. And, you know, that costs us. We had to kill the penalty. And they scored on that power play. And that hurt. And that was a lesson for not only the team but Craig. His virtue sometimes is vice. His great competitiveness is what makes him an excellent hockey player, but when he crosses the line, it hurts him and it hurts our team.

We've seen it in other players we've had here. Ryan McMurchy was that same type of player, Brendan Smith is that same type of player. They've got to learn to handle that and harness that energy, and use it for a positive and not let it run into the negative side. But that's part of our jobs as coaches here is to help these young men understand that.

QUESTION #5: Minnesota-Duluth seemingly has the same type of veteran presence that North Dakota has. What are the different challenges that Duluth will present that perhaps North Dakota did not?

EAVES: Well, I think one of the strengths of North Dakota is their size and physicalness. They play hard like no other in our league. I think Duluth is a little bit different. I think they have better presence and poise with the puck. And so they'll bring that challenge to us. That will be the two differences.

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