Goon's World Extras

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sioux 4 Pioneers 3 - No Dasher Dancing tonight

Ho Hum, that is how I would describe this evening game between two teams that are supposed to be bitter rivals that hate each other. This is one of those series that traditionally is supposed to look like the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s. Unfortunately; this game was really clean, almost boring and there were only four penalties in the entire game.

The part that is even more unbelievable was that the UND Fighting Sioux ended up getting three power play and Denver only got one power play through sixty minutes of hockey. I suppose the Denver head coach George Gwozdecky will call his coffee drinking buddy WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod and lobby for a few more power plays tomorrow night; of course I am kidding but it does seem odd that this game wasn't a parade to the penalty box with at least three scrums. There wasn't any international choking signs, dances on the dasher or walks across the ice. In fact the DU coach never left the bench to enter the playing surface. There wasn't even a conference between the Refs and the DU coach at the DU bench.

I actually expect tomorrows game to be more spirited, more contested. Just not your typical grudge match between the two teams that are supposed to hate each other. What next a hug at center ice after the game showing solidarity? God I hope not.

Defensive Juggernaut?

While the Sioux won the game I am still concerned with the goaltending and the team defense, tonight I saw a few things that concerned me. I know it’s early but the goaltending numbers so far this season are brutal and what I would consider unacceptable and subpar, None the less, seven games into the hockey season and the Fighting Sioux don’t have a goalie with a save percentages over 90 percent. You’re not going to win a lot of hard fought close hockey games with that poor of defensive numbers like that, things have to tighten up if the Fighting Sioux are going to win some hockey games.

Now I know that Matt Donovan is an elite player but on his goal in the second period, he skated around the entire Sioux hockey team before slipping the puck through the goaltenders pads, I mean seriously! That was embarrassing that no one challenged him. That can’t happen. I just hope the Sioux are better tomorrow night.

[Box Score]
1st Period (20:00)
DEN 1 - 0 6x6 Jason Zucker (3) (Shawn Ostrow, John Ryder)6:19
DEN (+): 17,26,24,10,15,G1 NDK (-): 7,5,29,2,27,G32
NDK 1 - 1 6x6 Dillon Simpson (1) (Jason Gregoire, Corban Knight)11:51
NDK (+): 18,7,17,26,24,G32 DEN (-): 17,18,24,14,21,G1
2nd Period (20:00)
DEN 2 - 1 6x6 Matt Donovan (3) (unassisted) 1:53
DEN (+): 4,11,10,26,16,G1 NDK (-): 7,27,29,18,24,G32
DEN-1 Drew Shore (2-Hooking) NDK 0x1 3:32
DEN-2 Matt Donovan (2-Holding) NDK 0x2 6:00
NDK 2 - 2 6x6 Michael Cichy (1) (Mario Lamoureux, Derrick LaPoint)9:04
NDK (+): 8,9,3,11,25,G32 DEN (-): 24,14,19,6,18,G1
NDK 3 - 2 6x6 LL Corban Knight (3) (Brett Hextall, Jason Gregoire)16:43
NDK (+): 10,26,17,2,5,G32 DEN (-): 16,18,4,14,21,G1
DEN-3 Beau Bennett (2-Elbowing) NDK 1x3 19:57
3rd Period (20:00)
NDK 4 - 2 6x5 PP GW Corban Knight (4) (Danny Kristo, Brock Nelson)1:13
NDK: 17,10,7,5,29,G32 DEN: 17,6,15,24,G1
NDK-1 Danny Kristo (2-Hooking) DEN 0x1 5:05
DEN 3 - 4 6x6 Jason Zucker (4) (Beau Bennett, Drew Shore)10:37
DEN (+): 17,9,15,24,10,G1 NDK (-): 10,11,24,18,8,G32
End of Game

Goon's Three Stars of the game

1. Corbin Knight (2g-1a-3pts)
2. Jason Gregoire (0g-2-a-2pts)
3. Brett Hextall (0g-1a-1pts)

Links to the game

DU loses at North Dakota 4-3 [Denver Post]

Sioux erase bad memories with win over Denver [Grand Forks Herald]