Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NHL doesn't like the first amendment?

NHL refs are no longer able to use facebook, at first glance this rules seems to be an ill conceived, unthought-out (I am not sure that is a word) overstep. One could say that its’ a stupid rule.
the score --- With all the travel and time spent over the last decade, my friend made lasting friendships with guys who are NHL referees and linesmen today. He’s even friends with them on Facebook!

On Tuesday, a number of NHL referees revealed to their Facebook friends they are no longer allowed to use the popular social networking tool. While actual messages — or wall posts — varied, many referees had the phrase “…legally no longer allowed [to use Facebook]” as their Facebook status.

I find this interesting. The NHL doesn’t really have a social media policy set in stone, although recent reports suggest teams have addressed social media use with players. I haven’t heard of any similar situations for referees. Then again, it’s unlikely an NHL referee will pull a “Bissonnette” in the foreseeable future.

The revelation of referees not being allowed to use Facebook isn’t all that interesting, but it makes you wonder what the league’s reasoning is (and what’s up with “legally”?). It also makes you wonder if this is the beginning of a league-wide social media policy for players, referees and anyone else directly employed by the NHL.