Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Favorite 3 players of UND fans/players to lead the Huskies

While I am a Maverick fan, I just couldn't help to come out of hiding to write a blog post about the SCSU Huskies choices in captains. It's been announced that three of the most LOVED players by UND fans and players will lead the Huskies. The Huskies have announced that Aaron Marvin is the captain and that the alternates will be Chris Hepp and Garrett Roe. SQUEEEEEELLLLL!!! I'm not going to lie, it makes me giggle at the rage all three spew from UND fans. I can't wait for the rants and nasty comments to come from the UND community about the leaders of the SCSU hockey team. It'll be great entertainment.

I think everyone knew going into this season that Marvin would get the "C". I'm going to be honest here. I think it's a GREAT choice. While UND fans/players hate the kid he is a strong leader, a good player, and (gasp!!!) a good guy. Yes, I know many of you would disagree with me but I've had several chances to talk to Aaron Marvin in person and he was very polite and nice. Heck, the one time I was wearing a Maverick jersy and had a pack of Maverick fans with me and he sat across from us and was nothing but respectful. I'll go on the record and say that I like the kid and that he got a raw deal last season. Yes, his hit on Genoway was brutal but it is time to put that to rest. He's apologized numerous times and has taken responsibility. When Lammy wanted to fight him he practiced hockey etiquette and dropped his gloves to fight. It's not HIS fault that the refs jumped on both of them right away. Perhaps the crappy refs should have just let them duke it out (like they let Bruess and Kaip duke it out) so it could all be over. I could go on and on about this all but I'll just leave it at the fact that I think Marvin is a solid choice to wear the "C" and that I can't wait to see the outrage from UND fans:)

As for the alternate choices? Well, those really surprised me. I do like the style of hockey that Hepp plays (he's gritty, just like a Maverick) and he totally won me over last year when he was doing what I call the "running man" to get into the fight at the UND/SCSU game. It was priceless to watch him being held back by his arms by teammates and his feet going a mile a minute. That makes for good times people!

As for Hepp, I guess time will tell on wearing the "A" since he has such a temper in my opinion. Generally a team chooses a more calm player to deal with the officials, so that could be interesting.

Speaking of tempers and dealing with the officials, that would lead to my concern on Roe. I think he'll run into the same issues. Let's be honest, it's not easy to deal with the officials or talk sense into them so I think Roe's frustrations will really build with that added responsibility. He's a passionate player who'll need to reign it in to wear the "A". Again, I'll go on record saying I like the kid. I always refer to him as "Little Kalinski" because his jawjacking reminds me of my favorite Maverick player ever, Jon Kalinski. Granted, Roe has tamed down the jawjacking in the past year. That's really too bad though because I miss it! I love the instigators that jawjack to no end and annoy the opponents and their fans.

So....there you have the Husky leaders for the year. I think it'll prove to be interesting and will really stir up the UND fans! Let the spewing begin!! :)

That's all I have for now folks. Nothing new to report on the Mavericks really. Pretty sad when I have to post about a team other than my own!

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