Goon's World Extras

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Whos going to be the Wild's goon now that Boogey is gone?

According to TSN's Bob McKenzie and Minnesota Wild beat writer Mike Russo former Wild Goon Derek Boogaard is now a Rag (Ranger). Question: So who is going to be the Wild's tough guy/enforcer/goon/equalizer now that the Derek Boogard has been signed by the New York Rangers?
TSNBobMcKenzie: Darren Dreger reporting Boogard to the NYR is done.
Of course there will be some that will applaud the move and say that Boogey is nothing more than a one dimensional player that adds nothing on the score sheet. I think that is partially true but the skilled Wild players feel when Boogaard is on the bench they know that the Boogey man has their back. Personally, I loved watching Boogaard beat the be-jesus out of people and it made for a nice side show…
Sean_Leahy: Derek Boogaard, he of 14 points in 255 career gms & 5:09 in avg career TOI, now makes $1.65 million a year for the next four. HA
Apparently the Wild were given a chance to match the New York Rangers offer and the Wild front office said no.
I am told Boogaard's peeps called Wild for one last chance to sign him, and it was a no thanks at that number.
BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't matter. There's a ton out there.

    They may not be as good as Boogaard at fighting but that's because they've spent a lot of time learning how to contribute when fighting isn't in the order of business.

    Clutterbuck is just as physical. He just needs to learn how to fight better.

    The Wild need someone like Lucic really.

    And unless the $1+ million contract is total for 4 years, the Rangers overpaid anyways.
