Goon's World Extras

Monday, July 05, 2010

Rumblings and Mumblings Part Two (RW77)

More rumblings and mumblings and my take on them.

First, I must say that anyone who thinks that this year's Free Agent crop is anything above average at best is kidding themselves. Yeah, there's a few top end players (or were) on the market but most have already signed. There are some decent potential but that only matters if you're a Minnesota pro sports franchise. I love the offseason and tracking movement of players and all this stuff, but... man... it's hard this year. After Kovalchuk signs, apparently the dominoes will fall and all that will be left will be the same type of stuff you find when you are picking dodgeball teams when all your friends have been chosen and all that are left are the "fat" kids and those kids who aren't sports inclined. I know, that's kindof a harsh analogy, but it's pretty accurate.

Ok, now the rumblings:

1. Niemi files for arbitration. This is bad for the Hawks but probably good for Niemi. Other than the obvious (arbitration is typically for a 1 year contract and unrestricted free agency following that year barring contract extensions), this could force the Hawks into another Huet like situation. Goaltenders are strange creatures. Cam Ward was the last rookie goaltender to win a Stanley Cup. He did it in 2006 and, though his stats weren't nearly very good during the 2006 season, he wasn't any better the following year. Ward isn't a terrible goaltender, but you never know what is going to happen. And Chicago has a history of overpaying goaltenders. Could be a bad thing.

2. Modano could be a Red Wing. Color me surprised on this one. I've seen this described as a "Dallas Drake-esque" type signing (with the only difference as Modano's name is already on the Cup). I'm not sure what to take of this. On one hand, he's a great player and a surefire Hall of Famer (Well... maybe... if Oates, Bure, and Gilmour couldn't make it in...) but on the other hand, I'd like to see the Red Wings not have to have a seperate bus dedicated to the nursing home staff and be able to sell off their considerable stock in Rascal 0 turn radius powerchairs. Yeah, they need to get younger.

3. Kovalchuk to (maybe) stay with the Devils - The cap hit on this is simply unbelievable. It would be the fourth highest cap hit if he stays. According to reports (brought to my attention by Goon), Atlanta offered him even more than the Devils. However, according to, Atlanta is out. NY Islanders and St. Petersburg's KHL team are the other two candidates. I don't know... Maybe Snow would offer Kovy a 15 year $165 million contract with a no trade clause?

4. The mighty have fallen. Sheldon Souray... wow. The NHL analysts used to rave about his shot. Now the Oilers are raving about his contract.... and how they still have to pay it. And it's a yikes type arrangement. $5.4 million cap hit. Well, at least they signed Hall...

5. The Kings can't decide if they're interested in Simon Gagne or not. I'm not sure what to say about him.

6. Seemingly the joke du jour, but Tomas Kaberle is on the trading block.... for the umpteenth offseason.

7. Daniel Carcillo filed for arbitration. I'll give him $50 cash if he signs with the KHL instead. Oh wait, there's no signs that even the KHL wants him.

BallHype: hype it up!

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