Goon's World Extras

Thursday, July 08, 2010

NCAA decides against making icing a penalty during power plays

Redwing77 touched on this subject earlier today and I must say that today is a very good day for college hockey. College hockey fan have dodged a major screw up. Finally, there is some sanity over at the NC$$. This is what Forrest Karr had to say on the matter.
“The committee appreciates the membership feedback and values the opinions of coaches and administrators,” Rules Committee chair Forrest Karr said. “Responses indicate that while several coaches like the concept, there are concerns about the potential unintended consequences. By using the rule in exhibition games over the next two seasons, the committee will have more concrete information.”
Who are these coaches that like this ridiculous rule? To be honest with you I am very happy that Forrest Karr is no longer the Rules Committee Chairman. I do think the Division 1 hockey coaches will watch the NCAA Ice Hockey Rules Committee more closely from here on out.

As noted in an earlier blog post The WCHA, AHA and CCHA coaches were against this rule from the start voting something like 35-0 to reject these rules. I am very happy that the NCAA Ice Hockey Rules Committee Tyrants members has decided to not make it illegal to ice the puck while a team is killing a penalty, this was a bad rule and would have had negative effects on the game of college hockey. Thanks to the outrage of college hockey fans and Division one coaches this rule was rejected as it should have been.
CHN Staff Report --- The controversial rule proposal that would call icing even when a team is shorthanded, has been pulled, according to the NCAA.

However, the rule will be experimented with during exhibition games.

The rule proposal, part of a complete package put forth by the NCAA Ice Hockey Rules Committee, was met with fierce opposition when it was announced, leading to the idea being revisited.

All rules have to be formally approved by the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel.

“The committee appreciates the membership feedback and values the opinions of coaches and administrators,” Forrest Karr, outgoing chair of the committee and athletic director at Alaska, said in a statement. “Responses indicate that while several coaches like the concept, there are concerns about the potential for unintended consequences.”

The rule will be in effect for exhibition games for two years, which is the normal cycle for rules changes.

The Oversight Panel meets via conference call July 29 to formalize the various rules changes.

Links to the Story:

NCAA decides against making icing a penalty during power plays [Red Star and Sickle]

NCAA Rescinds Icing Proposal [INCH]

Rules committee rescinds icing rule [UND Hockey Blog]

Hockey: NCAA rescinds icing rule [Grand Forks Herald]

NCAA Committee Regains Senses, Repeals Controversial Change [The Ciske Blog]

Icing Rule Dies; All Others Pass [Western College Hockey]

NCAA hockey rules committee backs off proposed icing rule [Parting Schotts]

BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

  1. Several coaches must include:

    John Hill (he's like the black plague)

    And maybe a few others.

    "Several" is hilarious. It's like he's trying to rationalize the fact that, had this gone through, he would have been the champion of something more than being a complete idiot. How UAF is still afloat defies logic.
