Goon's World Extras

Monday, July 12, 2010

More Moves and More Bad News for Chicago (RW77)

Former Sioux Get Pro Contracts

Former Sioux Alternative Captain Darcy Zajac signed a 2 year deal with the Albany River Rats of the American Hockey League (AHL). Albany is currently the AHL Affiliate of Darcy's older brother's team, the New Jersey Devils. This isn't an NHL deal so it would take another contract for him to play with the Devils, but it does give Darcy some notice by Lamoriello, a GM who has been very favorable to UND and college hockey in general.

Former Sioux Goaltender JP Lamoureaux signed a 1 year agreement with Abbotsford of the AHL. Abbotsford is part of the Calgary Flames organization. I wish the best for JPL but I don't have any expectations that it could develop into an NHL contract. Calgary is run by Brent Sutter, a guy who is almost as notorious as being anti-NCAA as the people who run Moncton of the QMJHL, London of the OHL, and the staff of the Atlanta Thrashers (see the situation with current UML recruit drafted by the Thrashers who are pressuring him to go MJ). Despite this, I hope he does a great job with Abbottsford and that gets him some notice.

Chicago's Situation Gets More Tense

Today Chicago GM Stan Bowman said that they'd match San Jose's offer to Niclas Hjalmarrssen for 4 years $14 million, but that means someone else has to go. The Hawks are dangling Brian Campbell out there but they will probably move Patrick Sharp instead due to contract issues.

This is too bad, but not unexpected. I'm not expecting much from the Hawks next year. The I attrition is simply too high. This is the result of terrible cap management and poor GM decision making, which is tough for me to swallow because I think so highly of Dave Tallon.

I think they had to, but what really hurts now is that they can't get out of Christobal Huet's abomination of a contract. And he's not going to give that money back. And I don't blame him. Stupid is as stupid does and Tallon was retarded.

I just don't see the Hawks being effective without their big guns. Toews and Kane will still be there, but gone will be Versteeg, Ladd, and either Sharp, Campbell, or both. Then there's the mess about Niemi.

I wouldn't be surprised now if Niemi walks if arbitration asks for too much. It'll be too bad that they couldn't get compensatory draft picks when Niemi walks though.
BallHype: hype it up!

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