Goon's World Extras

Monday, July 26, 2010

Meh Free Agency News (RW77)

Ok, this free agency period is really really boring. I was hoping for more excitement, perhaps some movement. But, alas, it's just another typical off season.

There was some tidbits of news:

The NY Rangers are close to signing Frolov. This guy isn't anything special anymore. He was pretty dynamic pre-NHL and his rookie year. I thought he'd be an Anze Kopitar or an Alexander Semin type. Instead, his offensive production has decreased consistently the past 3 years. It will be interesting to see how he could possibly succeed in underachieving even worse than he did before. Then again, he's in the second best team to accomplish this feat as a forward (only Montreal's forwards can underachieve more).

Aron Aasham (sp?) is trying to return to Philly. The question is: Has Aasham reappeared yet from his Copperfield impersonation during the postseason?

Mason Raymond has done good. He just signed a 2 year contract with the Canucks. I knew he was good with tUMD and I think he may be the best recruit Sandelin ever got with the Bulldogs, imo.

Oh, and the only bit of excitement is more like a soap opera with bad acting. The Player's Association has filed a grievance on Kovalchuk's contract denial. The problem is, the PA is like Forest Griffin without any muscle or skill. Just a monkey looking posturing punch line thanks to the fact that they have no real head of the NHLPA and therefore, no real direction.

Here's another tidbit: Today Nashville signed D Ryan Parent to a 2 year deal. He was traded (back) to Nashville from Philadelphia for Hamhuis. Good news, Philly fans! He didn't sign with Philly! (SARCASM). So, in essence, Philadelphia traded Parent for cap room... or nothing, whichever.

Life is so slow that put up a story on Zetterberg's wedding. Seriously, good for the man. He married a model. No big deal. May they swim in 1 million fjords in perfect bliss and happiness.


BallHype: hype it up!

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