Goon's World Extras

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Stayin' Alive (RW77)

Why is simply winning Game 5, when both teams are NOT facing elimination called "Stayin' Alive?"

Well, folks, the Flyers (love em or hate em) have never NOT been out of the game. Legal or otherwise, they've largely stayed out of the box and made the least number of mistakes after Game 1. Like I said before, both teams sucked in Game 1 (at least defensively and goaltending). The Flyers enter tonight having beaten Chicago in two straight games.

Chicago has looked like Vancouver in Game what.... 2 or 3 where they simply spent the whole game going after Byfuglien? It seems so long ago that the Vancouver series happened. June hockey? What the... Will the draft be preempted by Game 7? Anyways....

I say Stayin' Alive because I truly felt that (after my prediction looked unlikely to come to fruition) whoever wins Game 5 wins the Cup. Philly can't win in Chicago. Chicago can't win in Philly. So... I now have Chicago winning in 7... only because Game 7 will be played in Chicago.

Tonight Chicago chased Leighton and dropped 7 goals on the Flyers... and throughout the game I thought that the scoring wasn't going to end at 1..2..3..4.. and the Hawks outlasted the Flyers in this one. Why? The Hawks weren't really dominant for all 60 minutes. They were at times, but not the entire game and things really could have gone the other way several times.

Here's a few things I noticed:

First, Hartnell's goal. Where was the Hawk's teamwork? Niemi CLEARLY didn't know where the puck was. Hawks defenseman (Seabrook?) was trailing Hartnell in for the kill COULD have yelled to Niemi that the puck was loose and a simple right pad kick out and no goal.

Second, Pronger was nullified for the most part. He even got called for his second penalty of the series. That being said, when he was off the ice on the PP, the Hawks had their best PP effort of the series, imo. Kindof makes me think that, if the Flyers win the Cup, we'll have to swallow the pill that states Pronger as the Playoff MVP.

Third, Byfuglien finally had a good game in this series. 2 goals and 2 assists tonight. He also knocked Pronger around. Points for Byfuglien taking out a ref with one of those big hits.

Fourth, I saw a lot of cross checking players away from the puck. Flyer players (Timmonen on Hossa and Pronger on someone else I can't recall) knocked over Hawks players by cross checking them in the back as the puck flew by. The puck wasn't being played by either player being knocked down. I admit that the puck was somewhat close by but not in contact by the players. Isn't that interference or cross checking penalty? I don't know.

Chicago has 2 shots at winning the Cup. Philly now is win or go home. Feel good Hawks fans? I don't know. The last time Philly faced that was...I dunno.... against Montreal? Against Boston? The point is: Philly's not in unknown territory. Chicago is. Chicago hasn't won it all since 1961 (This still makes them more successful than the Cubs even if they don't win it all).

This has turned into a great series overall, though. Controversy, up and down hockey, tight games, blowouts, you've got it all.

BallHype: hype it up!

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