Goon's World Extras

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Standing Rock council votes to keep UND nickname retired

This is not good and I am a fraid that we might finally start kicking dirt on the Fighting Sioux logo. If the Standing Rock Tribe doesn't allow it's members to have a reservation wide vote on the use of the Fighting Sioux nickname, I believe that the nickname and logo will die. I don't know what else they could be done?
The Standing Rock Tribal Council voted Thursday that discussion of UND's Fighting Sioux nickname is over and it should remain retired.

Archie Fool Bear, a nickname supporter who was at the meeting, told the Herald on Thursday night that the meeting was supposed to address the petition by supporters calling for a reservation-wide vote on the nickname. Another petition brought by nickname opponents also was to be discussed, Fool Bear said.

But before that could happen, council member Jay Taken Alive made a motion that it shall be the final decision of the tribe that the nickname and logo are retired and further discussion was not necessary, Fool Bear said.

The motion was seconded and the council approved it with a 10-4 vote, Fool Bear said.

While he wouldn't say what the next step is for nickname supporters, Fool Bear said they will pursue several options. "We are not taking this lying down," he said. "We do plan to see that our people's rights here on Standing Rock are recognized."

Earlier this year, the State Board of Higher Education voted to direct UND President Robert Kelley to start a process to retire the longtime UND nickname and logo.
 [Grand Forks Herald]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. and so goes the republic form of government. Exactly as expected. At least they made a decision verses just letting time run out. Bring on D1 and Suck U!

  2. this pretty much makes it official.

    funny, still no word of a spot for und in the summit league. they sure played us for fools.

  3. GFH: Tribal resolution on UND nickname also takes aim at REA
    A resolution passed by the Standing Rock Tribal Council took aim at Ralph Engelstad Arena and other off-reservation groups that have been “disruptive and divisive” influences on discussions about UND’s Fighting Sioux nickname and logo.
