Goon's World Extras

Thursday, June 10, 2010

RW77's 2010 Playoff Good, Bad, and Ugly

Ok, a little review of the 2010 Playoffs in Good, Bad, and Ugly Format. Some will review previous posts but I think it will all sum up here.

The Good

The Chicago Blackhawks - They won the Cup. They did so with a ROOKIE goaltender... Ok, NHL rookie goaltender. Niemi was already well established in the Finnish Elite Leagues before coming to Chicago. It was really amazing to see such a team effort pay off. And like I said, Ubersieve Huet gets his name on the Cup. He's probably the happiest on the team (think about it... railed on unmercifully with some calling him the most overpaid bust in the NHL and it wasn't me and he gets his name on the cup.

The Philadelphia Flyers - Goon covered the storyline aspect but lets face it folks... this series could have gone either way. As aggravating as they are to watch, they did a great job. I don't like Pronger and I despise Carcillo but they did play the game about as well as anyone could ask. Not to mention the fact that, and it's been driven home like the beating of a dead horse but, Philly basically played the entire season and playoffs with 1 career backup (Leighton), 1 career nutjob/disappointment (Emery), and 1 almost was (Boucher) in net. And an ex Red Wing gets my nod as the Flyer MVP imo (Ville Leino). Ok, Pronger probably got the actual award from the team but still...

Jaroslav Halak - I still maintain that he was THE best goaltender in this year's playoffs. Period. Just look at what happened to the Habs when Price started in net? He made incredible saves. I do not know if this type of dominance he displayed will carry over (it didn't for Jose Theodore) but I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was fun to watch.

Jonathon Toews - Yup. Talked about before. I think Sidney Crosby will be one of the best young players statistically but I think Toews is all around right with Crosby. And the best part is that only Chicago has the expectations. No one else seems to care. So he's under far less pressure than Crosby is and he's, imo, just as good.

Dustin Byfuglien - He's what an enforcer or instigator should be. Yappin at the mouth and making big hits. And the kid who lived for a long time in a mobile home behind grandma and grandpa's house makes it good. I wonder if there's anything in Roseau, MN left standing?

Chris Pronger - Dislike him and his methods but... I doubt the Flyers would have made it as far as they did without him playing as well as he did.

Mike Richards - He did great too.

Sidney Crosby - Bettman's golden boy did pretty good all things considered. Luckily for all involved his team folded at the end.

The Bad

The Pittsburgh Penguins - They folded at the end. This was supposed to be THE team to beat in the playoffs... or at least that's what the media and Bettman wanted you to believe. Fleury still is a vastly overrated goaltender that got VERY lucky (see Giguere and the Ducks) last year. This year, luck ran out.

The Detroit Red Wings - Too bad they used all of their energy and talent to get past the Coyotes. I'm sure San Jose was looking for a competitive series. In the end, the ruse worked. Red Wings turtle, giving San Jose a superiority complex and a big ego. They go into Chicago and get beat. The bright spot is that the core of the team is still good and Jimmy Howard looks good too.

The officiating - It wasn't ugly but it was close at times. I hate the playoff rulebook.

The ugly

Gary Bettman - I don't need to rant too much on this one but I still give a glowing response to his reception after the game yesterday. I think it couldn't happen to a "better" man. I wonder what it is like to have a likeable or even competent commissioner?

The Bruins - See Goon's Post

Daniel Carcillo - His dives... need I say more?

The Blackhawk salary cap situation - Rumors are flying on's Rumor Central about the Blackhawks are soon to be broken up. I don't know if I believe that as ESPN is known for bending reality for ratings and not really caring too much about anything hockey related, but it will be interesting. I just don't see the current team being able to continue with the amount of money being paid out. It could be the end of the time in Chicago for players like Ladd, Sharp, and Madden.
BallHype: hype it up!

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