Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

NHL Hockey a big hit this spring...

Wow, the numbers for the NHL this spring are pretty good. That is pretty good especially for the USA for the NHL on Versus and NBC. I wonder if the numbers would be better in the USA if the NHL was back on ESPN again? Just throwing it out there.
If you look at the season and the playoffs, the national television ratings for all five of our national partners, both in U.S. and Canada, have been up, have been strong, and just a sampling of some way the ratings have really been strong are as follows: NBC and Versus combined the most-watched first two rounds since 1997; Versus, the most-watched cable for the first two rounds since 1994. The CBC had ratings and viewership for the second round that were up 94 percent. TSN was up 61 percent. And these playoffs have taken off in cities and have taken over in cities where our teams play: We had a night where the Bruins were playing at the same time as the Red Sox were playing the Yankees and the Celtics were playing. Not only did the Bruins beat both of those other two events in terms of viewership, they were within about 20,000 viewers of actually beating those other two events combined. [Read the whole article]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. that boston stat is very interesting. i wonder how much impact bc's recent nc had on boston's increased interest in hockey?

  2. This goes to show that there is perhaps a greater gap between reality and what the buffoons at ESPN would like you to believe.

  3. I have been reading how popular the NHL playoffs and the finals have been recently too. Good to see. Games 1 & 2 on NBC had a whopping 21.4% increase in ratings from last season and game 3 on Versus had the all-time highest rating for an NHL hockey game on cable. Game 3 at the Wachovia Center also set an all-time attendance record for a hockey game in the state of Pennsylvania at 20,297.
