Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Captains courageous: Teams expect Toews and Richards to rise to occasion

I think the fact that both captains have been held in check during the series speaks volumes of the defensive game both teams have played. I think Jonathan Towes is going to win the Conn Smythe if the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup. Both players are sitting at minus numbers for the series Mike Richards: -6 Jonathan Toews: -4 respectively.
PHILADELPHIA — Two weeks ago, Blackhawks captain Jonathan Toews was hailed as one of the NHL's best two-way players and a prime candidate for the Conn Smythe trophy as the most valuable player in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Around the same time, Flyers captain Mike Richards was touted as a modern-day Bobby Clarke for his one-goal, two-assist performance in the team's Eastern Conference clincher against Montreal, a showcase of his grit, timely scoring and playmaking.

Surprisingly, neither center has approached that level during the Cup final. Their success at changing that Wednesday night in Game 6 will be crucial in determining whether the Blackhawks leave the Wachovia Center with the Cup or the Flyers pull another Houdini act and extend this to the proverbial anything-can-happen seventh game Friday night at the United Center.
BallHype: hype it up!

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