Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Savard put a bull’s eye on his back...

I think that Bruins Center Marc Savard has put the bull’s eye firmly on his back with his post game comments last night. Apparently the fans in Philly are not happy with Savard as well. In a way I do agree with Savard because the Flyers have been taking runs at him all series long, it has been blatantly obvious from the drop of the first puck during game one.

In game four during the second period Marc Savard had the puck behind the Flyers net, Mark Richards went hard at Savard but luckily he missed, I can’t even imagine what would have happened if Richards had connected? I do admit that the Begin hit on Giroux was unnecessary and some might say it was dirty. Rough play is part of hockey and there has been questionable hits on both ends of the ice during this series and I don’t think the Flyers have the high moral ground based on their tarnished reputation. The reffing in this series has been questionable at best. I do think this series is going to heat up even more in the next game.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. i watched that video twice and i have no idea what he said that has philly fans crying. that was pretty much a textbook post-loss interview.

  2. I have read a bunch of Philly message boards, fan and media blogs that are upset with what Savard said but if you look at the hit that Savard put on Richard it was a bad hit should have been a boarding play of CFB... I don't know?

    Also Begin put a brutal hit on one of the Flyers stars Giroux that was bad.
