Goon's World Extras

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Make it One More in the "Disappointing Starts" Department (RW77)

I'll let Goon chime in on his beloved Bruins.

Today featured yet another interesting series beginning with the Blackhawks hosting the Canucks in a rematch of last year's semis.

Now, I know what you're all thinking. "He's a Red Wings fan. There's no way he's upset about the Canucks absolutely destroying the Hawks tonight."

Yes and No. Truthfully, if the Red Wings overcome Game 1 to win the series and advance to the Conference Finals, I'd rather them face Vancouver than Chicago. Odd for me to say that because the primary weakness for Chicago (goaltending) benefits Detroit rather than facing a good Vancouver team, but I love disappointing Vancouver fans... Especially when they feel all entitled and superior to us (which, this year, I think they may be).

Anyways, tonight the Hawks got absolutely blasted by the Canucks at home by the score of 5-1. From what I saw, it might as well have been 12-0.

This is a team (the Hawks) that played awfully bad in all respects.

They couldn't pass in ANY zone.

They couldn't defend (though part of this goes to just how good the Canuck forwards played too).

They couldn't goaltend. Niemi looked unsure of himself every time he handled the puck. Routine saves were hard for him tonight. Huet came in and suddenly the Hawks started playing Defense (probably because if they gave Canucks more than 7 shots on goal, Huet would start letting them in. I'm positive everyone in the arena was holding their breath on that Vancouver 4 on 1. Huet got lucky.).

They turned the puck over all the time. And they couldn't get the puck on net EVEN WHEN THEY MANAGED TO PRESSURE.

Vancouver didn't play a flawless game. Every time Chicago started to pressure, you could see them get a little panicked, but luckily Chicago played like crap and Luongo picked up the rest.

Maybe I'm wrong, but Chicago seems to me to be a streaky team. Niemi isn't the answer as the #1 goaltender, but Huet is a disaster.

The biggest downside is that Huet probably showed the Hawks that spending money on goaltending wasn't wise. So, signing a guy that could help them (such as Vokoun) is probably unlikely... Then again, they don't have the Cap space anyways.

I guess I'm a fan of the Hawks because I like Jonathan Toews. However, I think even he had a pretty off night tonight despite getting the assist on the only Hawk goal.

Anyways, onwards and upwards.

It's anyone's guess as to who starts Game 2 for the Hawks, but I'll say this: If you want to see a more lopsided game in favor of a team than Penguins/Habs if Price starts, Quennville should start Huet. Oh my God.
BallHype: hype it up!

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