Goon's World Extras

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Les Habitants win game 7 against Gary Bettman's Penguins

If you didn't watch the game last night here are the highlights. I wonder if Gary Bettman’s sphincter tightened today with the thought of his favorite team being eliminated last night by the Montreal Canadians.

While I get it, Sidney “Cindy” Crosby is the current face of the NHL and I understand that the NHL wants to squeeze all the money it can out of Crosby’s likeness most of us are tired of his crybaby antics and whining. Forgive us if we enjoy the Penguins demise today. Yeah, I know! My team is in the middle of a historic choke job but I am going to enjoy the moment.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I'd say Bettman isn't that disappointed. Montreal is a great hockey market with a ton of history. Yeah he will miss Crosby like he misses Ovechkin but the Canadiens improbable run is about the best story in sports right now and Bettman has to be happy about that.

    I'd also like to point out that rooting for the Canadiens is like rooting for the Yankees in baseball. Thave won more Stanleys than any other team in the history of the NHL.

  2. I think I detected a sniffle there while Goon was talking about Sid being done for the year.

  3. Seejowski, good points, I am no longer cheering for the Habs, I just wanted to see Cindy Crosby out of the playoffs so the NHL media would stop fawning over him. LOL Whistler... :)

  4. I would guess most on this board are young enough not to have watched the Habs in the 1970's winning the Stanley Cup year after year. Six championships in a ten year period. Nothing could compare to Guy Lafleur & Yvan Cournoyer's skating style, Ken Dryden in net, Pete Mahovlick ( one of the tallest player of that time), Steve Shutt ( another speed demon), Bob Gainey ( great on defense), Serge Savard, Guy Lapoint, and Larry Roberson ( great defenseman), coached by Scotty Bowman who won 9 Stanley Cups with the Canadians'.

    Sorry Goonster I am pulling for the Canadians this year.....I can still see Guy Lafleur, no helmet skating so fast his hair is flying backward on his head.

  5. I have to say that I am not a fan of the Les Habitants. It was fun watching the NHL's golden Child Cindy Crosby take a crap though.

  6. Big fan of the Habs. I want them to go all the way... and lose to the Hawks in the Finals (Sorry Goon).

    Halak is beyond good, he's sensational. He's almost Roy-esque (rookie season with the Habs reference). Almost, but not quite.

    Seejowski is right from that perspective but not from the PR perspective.

    Gary Bettman loves Sid the Legend. He's banking on the Pens to build the NHL.

    Now we'll see just how good the NHL PR machine really is when they promote the remaining playoffs without Crosby.

    Or maybe they'll do something interesting and have him do guest commentating. Give him a mic and watch him whine more than a 2 year old being told no at Toys R Us.

  7. I am thrilled the Pens are done but I surely don't want the Habs to win anything. Just say no to Canadian entitlement.

  8. Redwing77 that is your problem if you like the Hab's :) I can't cheer for them anymore after they beat the Penguins for which I am happy about.
