Goon's World Extras

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Is Dustin Byfuglien goal celebration over the top?

This goal celebration by former Roseau native and current BlackHawks forward Dustin Byfuglien has cause quite the discussion over on KuklasKorner. Personally, I don't have a problem with his celebration, it might have crossed the line but I am fed up with all the whining that Canucks fans have done during the playoffs. What do you think? Did he cross the line? Does his celebration lack class?

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. i have no idea what the problem is here. facing the audience, is that the problem? looked like a pretty standard goal celebration to me.

    my guess is some announcer with hardcore homer tendecies made a comment, then all the fans jumped on his band-wagon.

  2. Seriously, is this college football? Make sure he doesn't write "messages" in his eye-black either

    Canuckleheads are only surpassed by Detroilet fans in terms of sensitivity, and should be ignored for all practical purposes

  3. yeah it lacks class on his part. but who cares really. anyone taunting canuck fans is alright with me.
