Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Carcillo accuses Savard of biting him

Carcillo is one of the biggest hacks to ever play the game. Carcillo was diving up and down the ice last night and turtled when challenged.
BOSTON – Things are getting interesting between the Bruins and the Flyers.

The biggest incident from Monday night’s Game Two stemmed from a heated scrap between Marc Savard and Daniel Carcillo after the whistle had blown in the second period.

Carcillo threw a forearm shot to the side of Savard’s head in Savard's second game back from a Grade 2 concussion, but that was only the tip of the iceberg in a scuffle that took a turn for the bizarre.

Savard got tangled between Carcillo and Flyers defenseman Kimmo Timonen, and ended up being the only player called for roughing after the testy exchange in the second period.

And that’s where things started getting really interesting.

Carcillo went back to the bench, took off his glove and flashed his pinky at both the refs and Chris Pronger while claiming Savard bit him during the fracas in the corner of the Philly zone.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. It doesn’t matter if Carcillo is a hack or not, the question is did Savard bite him. We had no sympathy for Hartnell when he did it (in both case there is no real way to prove it), we should have no sympathy for Savard.

    A couple of things from previous post I wasn’t able to comment on at the time.
    That injury on Sturm was very weird; it didn’t even look like he put hardly any weight on it. He said that he caught a rut and heard a pop, but in the video it looks like he just transfers his weight to make the check and bam the ACL and MCL both go.

    I can’t believe you think Laperriere is an uber hack the guy is one of the most stand up players in the league and has the respect of a lot of people in the hockey world. Hartnell and Carcillo are good smart hockey players that do some really(!!!) stupid sh** sometimes, but Lappy is just a great player.
    Who cares if he fights a lot, that doesn’t make him a hack, besides I thought you like fighting in the right situation.

  2. I wounder if there isn't a lot more biting that goes on than isn't talked about.

    As far as Lappy goes I am not a fan from his days with the Av's I don't care about the fighting, I love watching a good scrap, I just don't care for him. When the Wild played the Av's in the playoffs a couple of years ago he would fight the Boogeyman...

  3. i don't know anything about carcillo. for all i know he's the biggest d-bag around, but he seemed like a cool character in this interview.

  4. Did Carcillo mentioned that he two handed Savard TWICE before Savard bit him?

    Carcillo took Savard to the penalty box twice (IIRC) when he should have gone once.

    "He bit me he bit me." Who does he think he is? Evander Hollyfield fighting Tyson?

    This is proof that player rep isn't pushing the officials around, which is to their credit.

    However, it's also obvious that if what a player says can dictate whether or not his opponent is assessed a penalty, then Savard should have been all over the officials talking about the two two handed slashes he endured before the "bite."

    Then Carcillo would have HAD to been sent to the box for slashing right?

    Here's another point: What was Carcillo's fingers doing in Savard's face anyways?

    Wasn't it Carcillo who thumbed Jason Blake's eye? If that's the case, then I'm sorry Savard didn't bite the end of the glove completely off (not the pinky, just ruin a glove).

    Carcillo is a pansy. He's not to the same "ban his ass" level as Cooke, but he's pretty darn close.

    I did find it surprisingly appropriate for him to dress up to his intelligence for Halloween. He is the perfect caveman.

  5. Good points Redwing77 Carcillo doesn't have a leg to stand on.

  6. "What was Carcillo's fingers doing in Savard's face anyways?"

    you should be a reporter. this is a more important question than anything the reporters in this video asked.
