Thursday, April 22, 2010

Savard en route to Buffalo

This is good news for the Boston Bruins because it mean that their best players is getting better and could make a return to the ice soon. It's no mystery that the Boston Bruins who are already offensively challenged are a much better team with Marc Savard in the line up.
Marc Savard will travel to Buffalo this afternoon and participate in tomorrow's morning skate. Savard visited with Dr. Kelly McInnis this morning, and although he hadn't gotten any results, he believes he has been cleared for contact. Tomorrow will be the first time Savard skates with his teammates, although given the nature of morning skates, it doesn't project to be a high-tempo session.

"Just getting my wind back," Savard said. "You can do biking or whatever you want. But nothing's like being on the ice. Just keep taking it a day at a time and get stronger that way." [Boston Globe Hockey Blog]
BallHype: hype it up!

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