Goon's World Extras

Monday, April 05, 2010

Maple Leafs' frat pack...

Here is another interesting story from the Toronto Star about former college hockey star Tyler Bozak (DU), Viktor Stalberg (UVMJ) and Christian Hanson (ND), this is a different story than the hard hitting one by Damien Cox in yesterday's Toronto Star.
Three university kids, each 24 and single, come to the big city to make it in Canada's most fanatical hockey market. They become fast friends, share an apartment and, just to stretch credulity even further, end up playing together on a line with the Maple Leafs.

Imagine the hijinks? Kind of a new-age Slap Shot. Except with players who have mad skills, instead of anger management issues. There'd even be a Hanson in it.

Nah, who'd ever believe that?

"It really is unusual isn't it?" says Christian Hanson. "We all came from college. We all have the same birth year and we all signed within a week of one another. Then we all lived together over the summer. Now it so happens we're back together. I don't know if that happens too often."

No, it could be an NHL first. But the Frat Pack – the line of Tyler Bozak, Viktor Stalberg and Hanson that earned a catchy nickname and a lot of media attention at training camp – was reunited by Leafs coach Ron Wilson last week and he was impressed enough that he mused about keeping them together as a unit next season.

In roughly seven periods in their latest incarnation, they've scored three goals – all from Stalberg – with six points.

"I think we have all the different skills you need on a line really," says Stalberg. "Tyler is obviously the brains behind most things. He's a real good playmaker and a smart guy out there. He wins a lot of faceoffs and gets the puck in our hands with a lot of speed. Christian is a big guy who wins a lot of battles; gets pucks out and is pretty solid defensively. I think I can help out with my speed, find ways to get open and put pucks in the back of the net." [Read the rest of the story here]

BallHype: hype it up!

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