Goon's World Extras

Friday, April 09, 2010

Jody Hodgson; Nothing will be changing in Ralph Engelstad Arena if general manager Jody Hodgson has anything to say about it.

I have to say after reading this article I must admit that I am big fan of REA General Manager Jody Hodgson. Finally! There is someone with some back bone and balls to make a stand.
Nothing will be changing in Ralph Engelstad Arena if general manager Jody Hodgson has anything to say about it.

Despite Thursday’s ruling by the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education to begin retiring the Fighting Sioux name and logo, the privately owned arena — with an estimated 3,000 Sioux logos in it — might remain in its current state.

Speaking from Chicago, Hodgson again debunked the urban legend that there’s a secret document from Ralph Engelstad calling for the closing of the 11,640-seat venue if the nickname ever changes.

In fact, Hodgson says it is his wish that nothing changes at all.

“The first thing I have to do is fully analyze and understand what’s happened today,” Hodgson said. “I’ll have to discuss this with the board (of directors) as well. But, if I have anything to do with it, nothing in the building will ever change. Nobody will ever be allowed to change anything.

“It would be the utmost sign of disrespect if anybody ever tries to deface that building. If I have anything to say on the matter, that will never happen. Never.”

It is unknown whether the NCAA would grant Ralph Engelstad Arena a men’s hockey regional or a women’s Frozen Four if the thousands of logos stay. But Hodgson said the arena won’t make any decisions based on the NCAA’s thoughts.

“I could care less,” Hodgson said. “Sometimes, you’ve got to stand up for what’s right.”

Hodgson, a member of the board of directors at the arena, said he and members of the Engelstad Foundation were “deeply disappointed and deeply saddened” by the State Board’s decision.

“It’s obvious that it was never about how the Native Americans felt,” Hodgson said. “If they wanted to honor the Native Americans, they would have honored their wishes. Nobody has ever proven that they don’t want the name and logo. [Grand Forks Herald]

BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother. I agree with Jody 100%. And I am a Gopher fan/Bison Grad. This whole thing has been handled wrong, and treated like a typical political issue. How can we do this, and then stand back and blame somebody else. Add on a little bit of "Oh this is North Dakota, we may take heat locally, but nobody will care nationally". Well, I hope the SBoHE has no hope of visiting Grand Forks for a long time. I get the feeling it would not be an enjoyable trip.
