Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eschewing The Move On Mentality

Scott Hennen has a really good blog post today over on about the Fighting Sioux name and it's worth a look. I would have to say that I agree with him.
The “move on” mentality is everywhere. “Let it go, Scott…” That’s what I’m starting to hear from some of lackluster Fighting Sioux faithful, and I can’t believe my ears. You would rather abandon 80 years of tradition than continue to fight an injustice being served not only to the Fighting Sioux fan base, but more importantly to the respective native tribes as well. Well fortunately for us real fans, there are still some folks out there who aren’t fazed by the continuation of the controversy.

We’ve all read the papers…the local media has revealed its ho-hum indifference to erasing the identity of our beloved UND athletics, but your Chairman isn’t ready to raise the white flag of surrender quite yet. Not until the real voices in this debate—-those belonging to the Native American tribes—-get their say. Sadly, last week’s board of higher education decision to abolish the Fighting Sioux nickname shows contempt for these voices. 1 board member revealed the pressure from the name change was coming from UND leadership. Not so fast folks! We still have some real leaders on the reservations trying to let their people speak out and put the issue to a vote.

We learned last week that Standing Rock Chairman Charles Murphy is committed to a referendum vote. Archie Fool Bear, Chairman of the judicial committee, has worked tirelessly on the reservation to garner over 1000 signatures asking for a vote. So Standing Rock will soon join Spirit Lake and each Sioux tribe is prepared to allow the people to decide. Then the NCAA objections and lawsuit, which had a November 2010 deadline, will have been answered. But we’re going to tell them it’s too late?

BallHype: hype it up!

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