Goon's World Extras

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Donny Brook at the end of the Bruins and Sabres game.

The reason that Zdeno Chara goes after Paul Gaustad is that he slashes Chara as he skates by. Holy Cow! You've got to love playoff hockey. While the Sabres may have won tonight's game the Bruins have two games to win the series clinching game. Mark it down, the Sabres are not going to win this series.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I knew you would post on this.

    If you could take off your brown and gold glasses for a second, you would see that Chara is a hack.

    Yeah, I said it. He runs around the ice doing the same type of things Gaustad did, and when someone gives him a little love tap at the end of the game he tries to fight.

    That's ok, have fun watching the rest of the playoffs when Buffalo wins the series.

  2. Panzer was robbed.

    I'm surprised that Chara was able to stand after that vicious slash. If he had a mosquito on the back of his ankles it could have been killed.

  3. Yeah! The Sabres aren't going to win this series... Mark it down.

  4. goon - should i mark that down next to the denver over rit guarantee?

    sorry, man, had to do it.

  5. I'm still looking for the phantom slash.

  6. The slash in question is at the end of the video, for the people that claim that fighting has no place in hockey notice the fans going nuts. I would be willing to be that no one left their seat early either.

  7. Isn’t hockey great?
    I don't see any reason to suspend anyone involved in this love fest. Them boyz worked it out of their system and went to the locker room accordingly. Now they can line up on Monday and do it all over again.
    Kudos to Chara for bringing it to a head and working things out with Gaustad; and kudos to Miller for picking his favorite opposing player off the pile to even things up, fair is fair.
    RJ haven’t you heard the NHL is loaded with cheap hack, but they all play for the Flyers and I hate the Penguins:)

  8. I agree never summer. I think the instigator penalty/rule is one of the stupidest things in the NHL...

  9. Out here in the west, where Paul Gaustad grew up, he should know full well that "if you mess with the bull, you'll get the horn." Up 4-1, game essentially over, why take a whack at ankles (esp'ly someone of Gaustad's size trying to fell a tree of Z's size)? Carbon hurts at ankle height, boys, regardless of what it "looked" like! As the Cajuns say, "If ur up to ur gonads in alligators, u don't spit in the face of Lady Luck!" Beautifully eloquent, eh?
