Monday, April 19, 2010

Boychuk's smokes Ellis (update - Savard skates today)

Check out this hit; the Bruin's defenseman Johnny Boychuk lights up the Sabres Matt Ellis and smokes him like a cheap cigar. I think this might be the check of the Stanley Cup Playoffs so far.

Some good news for Boston Bruins fans, Mark Savard skated today.
Marc Savard, symptom-free for over a week, skated on his own for the first time this morning and said he felt like his old self.

"I feel great," Savard said. "The biggest thing is that over the last seven days, I've had some great days."

Savard passed an exertion test yesterday. Savard plans to skate on his own again tomorrow morning, then undergo a neuro-psych test in the afternoon. If Savard passes, he will be cleared to return to practice, although he wasn't sure if he'd jump in with his teammates right away. Once he passes the test, it will be up to Savard and the training staff to determine when he's physically ready for game action.

"If you're asking me that, I'd like to play tonight," said Savard when asked if he could play in this series. "I've got to be realistic here and take the proper steps. I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful."

Savard acknowledged he's still not close to game shape, considering he hasn't been involved in any physical activity for over a month.

"He's been out for six weeks," Claude Julien said. "He's not been able to exercise. If you're going to be fair to the player and fair to the team, we've got to give him a chance to get back into shape. That doesn't happen overnight. That's why we've got to take it one step at a time and see how he does. Hopefully he continues to get better. The quicker it is, the better it is for everyone." [Boston Globe Hockey Blog]
BallHype: hype it up!

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