Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Andy Sutton runs over and destroys Jordan Leopold

You have to wonder if Andy Sutton (MTU) doesn't like his fellow WCHA alums as this is the second guy in a week that he took out with a tough legal hit. Former Gopher Jordan Leopold looks like he was out cold after running into the tree trunk that is Andy Sutton. Andy Sutton also destroyed former Sioux Drew Stafford with this hit.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Legal? He throws his elbow right into Leopold's face!!!

    ..If it was an ex-Flirting Sue on the receiving end; you'd be crying bloody murder and comparing it Brian Schack or something anti-Minnesota!!! :)

  2. Charlies; per the NHL tape that went out explaining the head shots that is a legal check and if it was a former Sioux on the end of the hit you would be fine with it.

  3. I wanna know what Crosby thought he was gonna do to Sutton.

    Charlie why do you even come to this blog? All you do is whine like a spoiled little brat.

  4. Goon: Elbowing remains a penalty.

    Thomas: My motives will likely remain a mystery to your mind.

  5. Goon, you might have to explain the new rules to me. I have watched the video the NHL sent out but don't remember the details. Nobody can deny that contact was made with his head with the elbow but is it the fact that he first made slight contact with the body before teh contact with the head? Either way this is a viscious hit. But viscious doesn't always mean illegal.

  6. my bad, goon. i finished watching the video and heard the announcers' explanations. in my opinion, a viscious hit, worth a 2 minute minor for the elbow but no suspension based on the rule.
