Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wisnewski To Test the Matt Cooke Rule

Sorry, I don't have the Youtube Link because it just happened...(Goon must be busy so I added the video for him. TW)

Anaheim's Wisnewski (sp?) just decided to take the Colin Campbell's Matt Cooke exception to the test tonight. Seabrook absolutely leveled Cory Perry earlier in the period and Wisnewski went after him.

If you want to see what Frattin's hit would have looked like if Wehrs was nowhere near the puck and Frattin did imitate Superman, check out this hit. Seabrook was in the corner about to turn up ice with his teammate when Wisnewski came out of nowhere, left his skates, and drove his shoulder into Seabrook's jaw. The back of Seabrook's head hit the glass hard. His helmet was askew atop his head and the whole of Seabrook's forehead was exposed. Lucky for him, he fell to the ice backwards. Also lucky is that his head fell on the boards, so the friction caused his shoulders or base of his neck to hit the ice first. DEFINITELY a bad hit.

Seabrook left the game with an "upper body injury" which I'll amateurly call something known as a CONCUSSION.

The NHL refs pulled a Don Adam and gave him a 2 minute Charging minor, where Wisnewski should have been leveled AT LEAST a 5 minute charging MAJOR.

That's ok, though. These types of hits are happening more and more and the refs are doing less and less. So, Campbell is going to feel a little heat.

But mark my words: WISNEWSKI WILL NOT BE SUSPENDED. If he is, then Booth, Savard, and Campbell will swear at the top of their lungs.

Ok, this hit was not a blind sided hit, but it was SUPER dangerous.

It goes to reason that someone is going to get hurt. BADLY.

In good news, Greg Shepherd is now a flight risk to advise the NHL on matters of illegal hits because they've got Shepherd's system down pat.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Link to the video? I saw it during the game, and it's pretty bad. Basically drives his elbow into Seabrook's face.

    I could be wrong, but didn't Wisniewski play for Wisconsin? **NOT looking to start anything, but I've been curious since he's seen regular mins in the NHL.**

  2. I disagree with this being the Cooke rule. That was an elbow which is a penalty as opposed to Cooke's was a shoulder to the head which is not a penalty.

  3. He absolutely hits him in the head first. I would think that there should be some time off for Wisniewski.

  4. Fat fingers on the blackberry or is it just the whiskey goon?

  5. I think Wisnewski gets a suspension for a game or two. No Wiskey or Beer Fingers yet or Black Berry.
