Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

WCHA tie breakers.

A few people were asking about tie breakers and where the standings could end after this weekend. UND is going to need a little help and this weekend Fighting Sioux fans are going to be cheering for the Seawolves and the Maverick this weekend.
Minnesota Duluth:
THIS WEEKEND: At Alaska Anchorage.
ON THEIR OWN: Would guarantee fourth by getting three points.
BEST CASE: Finishes second with a sweep if Wisconsin loses twice and
St. Cloud State gets no more than one point.
WORST CASE: If they lose twice and North Dakota gets at least two
points, the Bulldogs will drop to fifth.
TIEBREAKERS: Beats Wisconsin; loses to St. Cloud State and North

THIS WEEKEND: At Minnesota.
ON THEIR OWN: Three points would clinch second place.
BEST CASE: Second.
WORST CASE: Falls to fourth with two losses if Minnesota Duluth sweeps
and St. Cloud State gets at least two points.
TIEBREAKERS: Loses to Minnesota Duluth; could win or lose against St.
Cloud State.

St. Cloud State:
THIS WEEKEND: vs. Minnesota State Mankato home and home.
ON THEIR OWN: Wraps up third place with two points.
BEST CASE: Climbs to second with a sweep if Wisconsin gets no more than
two points.
WORST CASE: Would finish fifth if they get swept, North Dakota wins
twice, and Minnesota Duluth gets at least three points.
TIEBREAKERS: Beats Minnesota Duluth; loses to North Dakota; could win
or lose against Wisconsin.

North Dakota:
THIS WEEKEND: Michigan Tech.
ON THEIR OWN: Has already clinched fifth and can do no better without
BEST CASE: Gets third place with a sweep if St. Cloud State loses twice
and Minnesota Duluth gets no more than two points.
TIEBREAKERS: Beats St. Cloud, Minnesota Duluth, and Colorado College.

Colorado College:
ON THEIR OWN: Finishes sixth with a pair of wins.
WORST CASE: Falls to seventh if Minnesota gets at least one more point
than they do.
TIEBREAKERS: Loses to North Dakota and Minnesota.

THIS WEEKEND: Wisconsin.
ON THEIR OWN: Can do no better than seventh without help.
BEST CASE: Would climb to sixth if they win twice and Colorado College
does not.
WORST CASE: Seventh.
TIEBREAKERS: Beats Colorado College.

Alaska Anchorage:
THIS WEEKEND: Minnesota Duluth.
ON THEIR OWN: Clinches eighth with a sweep.
BEST CASE: Eighth.
WORST CASE: Finishes ninth if Minnesota State gets at least one more
point than they do.
TIEBREAKERS: Loses to Minnesota State.

Minnesota State-Mankato:

THIS WEEKEND: vs. St. Cloud State home and home.
ON THEIR OWN: Has clinched ninth and can do no better without help.
BEST CASE: Gets the No. 8 seed with a sweep if Alaska-Anchorage does not
win twice.
TIEBREAKERS: Beats Alaska Anchorage
[Rink and Run]
Cross posted at the Sin Bin.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. This is enough to make your head spin. This is how I think it breaks down after the weekend:
    1) Denver
    2) Wisconsin
    3) SCSU
    4) UND
    5) UMD
    6) CC
    7) MN
    8) UAA
    9) Mankato
    10) Tech

  2. wchadominates - that's almost exactly how i see it playing out. i had mankato moving ahead of uaa though. otherwise, my picks are exactly the same.
