Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Some people need to get a life! (by LGM)

Hello people! It's been a while since you've been subject to my words of wisdom, sometimes otherwise known as rants and ramblings.

As a rule of thumb I'm generally too busy to post on Goon's blog, despite his requests to do so. However, I took time out of my busy Sunday night to do a little ranting.

As you have noticed in a previous post, Goon has chosen to moderate the comments on this blog. Let me tell you, that's a major step. Many people don't know this but Goon and I actually became friends after he came to my blog and disliked my spewings about Sioux hockey and fans and he and I sparred for quite a while. Some of the comments got pretty heated but yet, I never crossed that line where Goon felt the need to moderate comments. Since that time, about 3 years ago, I have seen many, many questionable comments on his blog and he's never insisted on moderating the comments...until now.

So, to me this is a big move and speaks to the patheticness of some people on the internet. I would love it if some force of nature made it impossible for people to write stuff on the internet that they would not say to someone's face. I personally live by that rule. Heck, I live by the rule that I will not say anything behind someone's back that I wouldn't say to their face either. It makes for some interesting situations but that's just how I am.

Am I saying everyone has to be like me? No, but I'm saying some can do MAJOR improvements in the area. Just because you're sitting behind some fake screen name does not mean that you can go onto blogs and message boards and spew total crap. Seriously, get a life. Mr. Southern Minnesota....Redwood Falls, more than likely, yes...I am speaking to you. If you have nothing better to do that troll this blog under various screen names and dig up crap on Goon via the internet than you are a PUSSY. Sorry, I know Goon doesn't use that kind of language on his blog but I'm going to. Straight up wuss that probably doesn't have a backbone in real life. Seriously, what is your issue?!?! Whatever it is, you need to get over it. I'm sure you're so entitled living the life in that area of the state that we can't even comprehend your awesomeness. For the record, I'm allowed to rip on that part of the state because I was born and raised there and still have a bunch of family there. I know the mentality of the people, I know how life is, and trust me buddy....there's more to life than what you're thinking.

So, my suggestion would be to crawl out of your hole, get off the computer and get a life. If you don't have any decent comments to post here then stay the hell away.

Now readers, I'm not saying that people can't speak their minds but there needs to be some level of respect. People can disagree (hello! I do it on a regular basis with some of you...even Goon!) but when you have to drag families and things unrelated to this blog into it then that's pathetic and you need a life. Goon keeps this blog strictly about hockey and not his personal life or even bashing other people really. If you are looking for that, you missed the boat because that would have been over at my blog (basically the Tabloid Magazine of college hockey blogs) but I've shut it down, due to lack of time and too much drama. Drama such as the crap this one pathetic poster is trying to create here.

So there....that's about all I have to say on the subject. I would also like to put out the friendly reminder that internet addresses can be tracked and criminally charged if people feel threatened. Just remember...MN law defines assault by the fear of harm and not actually being assaulted. More and more internet crimes are being charged every day in Minnesota and around the country. So tell YOU want to be the dumbass to wind up in the local paper (perhaps the lovely Redwood Gazette) for committing the stupid crime? If so, I can't wait since my mom has a subscription to it and then I can cut out the article and send it to my buddy Goon.

That is all. Grow up.


  1. Wow, you used colorful language and no swear words. :) I will take comment oderation off soon, it's just a few people (or one ass posting under multiple names) that ruined it for everyone.

    I went over to DG's blog the other day and I wonder if the wouldn't consider it as well, the moron's posting vile comments under no name were pathetic.

  2. I know that I didn't use the "Goon's World Approved Language" but I felt I needed to get my point across with some quazi-swear words. You know what I think of that loser and figured it was time for me to do a little rant/lecture.

    You know I have ZERO tolerence for that junk!

  3. I don't mind coarse language, I use that kind of language on the golf course or if I miss a ducks once in a while... :)

  4. Wow. Sorry to hear somebody is being atotla jerk ot worse... As much as Like giving you crap about the Flirting Sue shoertcomings and your occasional 'green lense'-based doubl standards, I am really sorry to hear soemone is going beyond the pale. That s*cks.

  5. Charlie it's not you that I am worried about it's the some worthless pathetic clown that was posting this past fall under my dead mother name and talking about my daughter who is only 2 1/2, he has resurfaced under another name, he thinks he needs to post on my blog.

    This guy is a real wack job and will eventually end up getting charged in a court of law under the internet stalking charges.

    I will deal with him in time. In fact next time he posts I will post his GPS address and IP address as well.

    Like I said it's not about you and I will deal with him in time.

  6. I hope its not me Goon. Although sometimes I like to play devil's advocate and argue a little bit, its not like I'm on the warpatch or anything here.


  7. Not you as well. Its the moron that was posting last night...

  8. I hope its not me Goon. Although sometimes I like to argue and bark a little bit, its not like I'm on the warpath or anything.


  9. Sounds like somebody is mentaly ill. Sad.

  10. Geez, that is pretty sad to be using things like that to get at you Goon, especially since this is a hockey blog and nothing else. Hope you find this guy and take care of him Old Time Hockey style.
