Monday, March 22, 2010

So where is the outrage?

So I wonder if this hit will be reviewed by Bruce McLeod, probably not! Look at the picture it's a hit to the head. What do yall think? Stick tap to Sioux Rube.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. He left his feet.

    I think that deserves at least two games. The guy's going to have to serve one game this weekend and one next fall.

  2. It's almost like the St Cloud fans are working to maintain their reputation as the dumbest in college hockey.

  3. I just put that up before I went to ride my bike this afternoon. I have already caught a SCSU fan. :)

  4. @ The Whistler... I know sarcasm is sometimes hard to understand, but try to keep up. (Generally kids adapt to sarcasm and are able to assimilate it into their general understanding and become cognitively aware of it sometime between the ages of need to work on that.) Point is, this is hockey and that hit does not deserve a game suspension. Go Huskies!

  5. Do see what happens when you drink water from the Red River? It's not their fault...

    On a positive note. I actually met some classy, well educated UND fans. He moved to the Grand Forks area, not from there.

    While DU let me down this weekend, all is not lost. I knew that there was no way all of their fans were as dumb as GOON and company.

  6. looks worse than the frattin hit on wehrs to me

  7. @ The Whistler...Because I used Developmental Cognitive Psychology to argue that SCSU fans are not "the dumbest in college hockey" I have proven your point that we are? Hmmmm...sounds like a little bit of a contradiction and highly illogical. Anyways...that is not the point of this blog post. The point is the hit does not deserve a suspension and UND fans are whining just for whining sake. Go Huskies!

  8. I see we have a commenter NOT from St Cloud as he understood it.

  9. I understand jclrson1 completely.

    Let's put UND's #17 (Jason Gregoire, who is arguably the second best player on the team on paper next to Genoway) and make him a SCSU Huskie.

    Now let's put Leblanc in a Sioux jersey.

    What do you think would happen?

    If you said: "Hitting is allowed in hockey, no suspension is required" would come from SCSU fans, then you really did drink too much before typing and really should seek either rehab or a bed to sleep it off.

    UND fans are expected to simply grovel when their team's players make a hit that was not legal (such as Frattin's hit) and then shrug and say "we deserved it" when a UND player is hit illegally. Or we're whiners.

    Hey JOE - You want to know what my "thing" is with SCSU's fanbase? Read jclrson1's posts.

    For every one decent Husky fan, there's 5 that only see SCSU as the angels and everyone else as evil. And before you throw it back in my face, yes, UND has their share too. EVERY team has their share of these fans.

    However, to a letter, when these fans or any fans come across this garbage, they get offended and say "take off your colored glasses." So what's it gonna be?

    As low road as it sounds, for however long the glasses stay on other fans' faces who post to blogs and message boards, the reciprocation (if you will) should be expected.

    Now for the hit: Was it illegal? The picture makes me think yes. However, the youtube clip hasn't been seen by me yet. So, I can't tell ya. Leblanc isn't a cheap shot artist. And he wasn't trying to take Gregoire out either. It probably could have been a contact to the head penalty. I can't say how severe beyond that.

  10. Who cares period? If you all keep up this crap about hitting they are eventually going to take it out completely.

  11. First off Ryan you're being an ass again. I had a great time at the final five watching your team fall like a prom queen's dress at an after prom party. Very nice! What was even more fun was watching the DU/national media try to spin it as oh, DU had nothing to play for? No matter how you slice it UND took it to DU.

    Does any one get tongue in cheek anymore apparently SCSU fans don’t? Holy Cow People!

  12. Awe, good to see Lady Ryan back. Do we have to review the lessons of last week?

  13. @ Charles...Well said, point made.

  14. The thing is all kinds of opposing fans were saying that Frattin left his feet. His feet were on the ice prior to the hit but that didn't matter to those fans.

    The most stupid were the ones from *St Cloud.*

    There's no reason to think that this was worthy of a suspension. The fact that Frattin left the ice after the hit was also no reason to get worked up.

  15. Seriously, what a great weekend of Fighting Sioux Hockey. It was pretty obvious that our team was told to be a 'kinder, gentler' team so we didn't upset any of the Nancy's that have taken over. Wow did we skate and puck handle well! Congrats again to the team, let's go out East and keep it up.

  16. red wing,

    I do understand your point! no matter what you will get idiots that can not think. In all seriousness though. Husky and Sioux fan alike need to just get over thei shitting in the head thing. first sioux fans have been bitching about the genoway hit ( least for a while), then SCSU fans were bitching about the frattin hit and now this. I think if slowed every game down and checked out every hit you find at least 2-3 hits a game to the head. It is truly just a part of the game. If we cant agree on this...we will never agree on anything! Good luck to all the WCHA teams in the NCAA's this weekend! Other than Wisconsin on Saturday of course! Yes I know that means the Huskies would have to win on Friday.

  17. There's a blog that I follow on indigenous African art and they're pretty much agreed that Frattin got what he deserved. The folks on the nuclear physics blog think he should have gotten another game. This blog just hasn't discussed checks and penalties enough yet to reach a consensus.

  18. "First off Ryan you're being an ass again. I had a great time at the final five watching your team fall like a prom queen's dress at an after prom party. Very nice!"

    Goon, I'm sure you had your bag of flour in hand ready to go. (North Dakota Prom Queen we're talking here)

    UND played good hockey this weekend. I can't take that away from you. Your PK was stand out. Good luck this weekend and put away your box of tissues. It's getting really old.

  19. Joe,

    I can see what you're saying too. I guess it's just something that I have trouble accepting:

    A penalty is a penalty.

    As for the Genoway hit, I explained that before. I STILL hold no malice towards Marvin in regards to that hit. He stood up and apologized. His repeat act against Geoffrion hurt his reputation, but the past is the past to me.

    What I'm still upset about is that the league didn't give a bleep about it. 1 game suspension that was probably more to prevent a UND player from throwing down the gloves than to punish Marvin.
