Goon's World Extras

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Sioux 3 Huskies 2

Check out this great tireless effort by Mario Lamoureux, Mario took three shots at the net and finally burried the third shot that he put on net. That is a great effort in my opinion. Talk about not giving up on a shot.

Clearing up a few loose ends

First off; some house keeping details to end the regular season, for the SCSU fans that were beating/thumping their chest about UND being behind SCSU in every poll, blah, blah, blah, the Fighting Sioux have the same record as the Huskies and are ahead of the Huskies more important Pair Wise Rankings.

5 North Dakota 19 0.5540 20-11-5 0.6250 Mar 6 MTech
6 St Cloud St 18 0.5511 20-11-5 0.6250 Mar 6 Mankato

Sioux come out flat

The Fighting Sioux hockey team are riding a seven game winning streak but tonight the looked as if they were trying to hand the game to the MTU Huskies early and were very lucky to get a win against the 5-28-1 MTU Huskies. You would have thought it was the Fighting Sioux that had the 5-28-1 record. It's imperative that the Sioux not play like this next weekend if they want to advance to the Final Five, anything less than a 100 percent effort would be unadvisable and unacceptable.

A few things that I saw tonight were the Sioux didn’t move their feet to start the game and looked a little sluggish. You have to wonder if they took the Huskies lightly or they just didn’t have their “A” game tonight. Also, there were a few times where the Sioux didn’t get the puck deep and that could come back to haunt them in the playoffs if they don’t right that ship in a quick hurry. Also, you cannot let the offensive player go untested in the slot, which is what happened on the second MTU Husky goal.

Stay out of the penalty box

The MTU Huskies came into the game with a national ranking of 46th over all on the power play and they ended up going 2-5 while the Fighting Sioux went 0-7. Tonight I thought the Fighting Sioux lacked discipline and took some really stupid unnecessary penalties. Taking three straight penalties is no way to start a hockey game and likened to playing with an open flame in a meth lab.

Up next for the Fighting Sioux is the not so Golden Gophers 16-17-2, UND is 6-0 all time against the Gophers in the WCHA playoffs in Grand Forks, ND. In the last 14 games against the Gophers, the UND Fighting Sioux are 8-3-3, six of these games have gone to over time.

[Box Score]

Cross posted at the Sin Bin.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Ya, the Huskies are in trouble next weekend against Mankato. The Mavericks have had SCSU's number the past couple seasons, and all they had to do was get a win at the NHC tonight, which would have sent Anchorage (who is 0-28-4 all time at St Cloud) there instead. At least its finally a win-win situation though: Goldy at UND, one of them WILL NOT be at the Final Five in St Paul, thank god.

  2. The Friday night fracas between the tarnished Gophers and Bucky Badger drew 14,422 spectators to the ice-challenged Target Center in downtown Mpls. That attendance was nearly a 50% increase over a full house at Mariucci Arena and the biggest crowd of the year at a WCHA game. There were only three or four bigger turnouts at any college game anywhere this season.

  3. sounds like the gophers should start playing all their games at the target center.

  4. I really hope that SCSU and UND are in the same regional in the national tourney. I am so sick of listening to people from both sides talking crap about there teams, when it is patently obvious that both teams are equally as good as the other. Let them just play it out on the ice! Preferably in Saint Paul so we can all go and watch!

  5. vomiting sick or just pale in the face sick?

    here's an idea: maybe you should stay away from their message boards if you don't want to see smack talking.

    imagine that, a sports team's fans talking trash on said team's blogs and message boards...shocking!

  6. "UND is 6-0 all time against the Gophers in Grand Forks, ND" I missing something? Since 1946?

  7. Puverized: Everyone likes to see a car crash.

  8. Joe you sure sing a different tune this week. Last week you were telling about how great the Huskies were and how the Sioux were behind the Huskies in every poll and in the standings. Now UND is in front of the Huskies in the Pairwise and that is the only poll that matters in my opinion.

    The Huskies want nothing to do with the Sioux.

  9. Goon is absolutely right: not only do the Huskies not want anything to do with the Sioux, I don't think anyone does right now, except for maybe Denver. We got you on one thing though Goon: the standings, at least we finished higher up by a grand total of 1 point ahead of your team.

    And when it comes to the NCAA tournament, its time to cheer for every WCHA team, even the hated Sioux and Gophers because they represent the best conference in college hockey.

  10. Nearly handed the game to MTU...

    I wonder if Brett Olson was healthy... I think this game was perfectly winnable by MTU. UND didn't seem to give a ding dang darn about this game.

    Zajac calls them out during the first intermission and they come out only slightly better than in the first. Though the time escapes me, after the Huskies went up 2-0, they had an odd man rush (perhaps even a 2 on 1) down low where Eidsness came up with a huge save.

    That was the save of the game, imo. Why? Because if they had gone up 3-0, that's all folks. The type of play I saw last night was the kind one usually sees when a team that is a surefire playoff team plays to prevent injury. Right now, there are one, MAYBE two WCHA teams that can do that... Neither of them are based in Grand Forks (Denver and maybe UW).

    I'll say this: We play like we did this weekend against the Gophers and I'll GUARANTEE that we'll be avid watchers of the F5... from the couch praying for upsets and help.

  11. Goon,

    Get your facts straight. I only wrote on posts to do with Marvin's suspention, which is still BS. I never once wrote about the Huskies being a better team...or anything to do with the polls. You can go back and look through all of your articles to see. Please do not lump me with everyone else. I am a very rational, yet passionate husky fan. And trust me SCSU would welcome a match up against UND. If you truly think that there is any difference in skill level between the two teams you are crazy.

  12. You know what Joe? Most of the SCSU fans sound the same except for WCHA-Dominates he seems to be more rational than the rest of the SCSU fans that I come in contact with I so I will just pigeon hole them together.

    If I go over to SC Times and read the comments on the articles the comments from SCSU fans all appear to be a long the same lines, they spew a lot of the same crap that you do.

    Every time you post Joe you just re-informs my Jan Brady State University reference.

  13. No problem I find you rational, there are a few others that are well not so much...

  14. Looking at MTU and that goal, I have to think the key lies in the stupidity of that skater who is lying in the crease.

    He flicks the puck out of the crease obviously to clear the crease and puts it right on Lammy's stick. If he had punched the puck or just let it lie, I guarantee you Robinson gets that puck. If you look at Robinson after the goal is scored, he's shaking his head. I wonder if he knew that too.

    Once again, I have to give props to the MTU goaltenders. They're both good. And they're both alone in playing D... well, ok, MTU played better last night but still.

  15. And I reinforce this idea why? I am just basically make lies about what I wrote about last week...and then I reinforce your idea of some Jan Brady complex? I don't even know what that means. I will say this though, you definitely fit the description of a blogger though. Uniformed and willing to make up anything! No wonder bloggers get no respect! Keep up the good work.

  16. Joe every time you post you re-enforce my Jan Brady State University reference... If you don’t understand what I am talking about just go to Gopher Puck Live look it up JBSU.

    Joe since you really add nothing to discussion I will say this in parting you fit the description of the typical SCSU fan uninformed and predictable, you guys all say the same thing, I can go over the SC Times and read the comments.

  17. Redwing77 I think the Sioux got away with one on Saturday night, the Badgers did the same thing yesterday against the Goofs. They weren't really interested in playing hockey.
