Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rodents 4 - Sioux 2

First thing I want to do is put this thing into perspective. The Gophers season either ends tonight or next week, the Golden Gophers aren’t going to the NCAA tourney. The Gophers aren't going to win the Final Five from the play-in-game. The Gophers won't make the NCAA tourney as an at large bid unless the selection crew that picks the teams for the NCAA tourney is drunk. That’s the reality folks; the Sioux are going to NCAA tourney barring a major unforeseen Pairwise catastrophe. It's up to them if they want to play next weekend. This is the first loss for the Fighting Sioux in 9 games. The Sioux also remain 5th in the all important Pairwise Rankings.

Dive Cepis Dive...

Losing to our heated rival sucks, watching Jacob C-Piss dive and flop around up and down the ice drawing penalties does makes a person see red and it does make you mad because the WCHA/NCAA is suppose to be focusing on embellishment and they are not. No big surprise there. It is what it is. It’s obvious that Jacob Cepis is trying to surpass Garrett Roe for punk of the year. Don’t worry Jacob you're still a punk in my opinion but Garrett Roe still has you beat, you’re going to have to work harder to beat the dive queen Roe at his game. Lastly, I also have to question a player’s character that leaves his team half way through a season. To me that is major a character flaw and speaks volumes to the type of person that he is.

Here is how UND hockey beat writer Brad Elliot Schlossman described UMN goals on his blog.
Minnesota 1, UND 0 -- Mike Hoeffel (Jacob Cepis, Cade Fairchild) 17:20 (pp). Cepis sets up the power play with a dive, then sets up a goal with a pass in the slot to Hoeffel, who slips it by Eidsness for Minnesota's first goal of the weekend.
UND 2, Minnesota 2 -- Jacob Cepis (Mike Hoeffel, Jake Hansen) 12:10 (pp). Cepis draws another penalty with a dive and ends up scoring on a shot from the circle with traffic in front.
This is from the in game live chat on Brad's blog: Do you see a emerging theme here. It was pretty obvious what was going on except to the on ice officials.
9:13 Jayson, UND SID: Cepis draws another
9:13 Jayson, UND SID: I hope Cepis is ok. He sure went down hard.
9:13 Schlossman, GF Herald: This is really embarrassing for the officials. Cepis dives again
9:14 Jayson, UND SID: Gophers have responded well after both Sioux goals.
It is embarrassing. It's obvious that Cepis is duping the WCHA officials and making them look like asses with his over embellishment last night and you would have to be a complete homer not to notice this. What the hell is Brad Eidsness suppose to do when a player comes through his crease like that?

This is how the UMN beat writer described the antics of their player in his article for the Star and Tribune.
Cepis orchestrated the goal. The 5-7 agitator nicknamed "Papa Chirp" drew a tripping penalty on Sioux goalie Brad Eidsness, falling when Eidsness' stick brushed one of his ankles.

Sioux fans wanted a diving call; the referees ignored the boos

Is Adrian Peterson wearing a Sioux Jersey?

Last night the Sioux were coughing up turnovers like running back Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings football team. The Sioux were not very smart with the puck last night, they didn’t cycle the puck very well and they didn’t get set up in the offensive zone. They Fighting Sioux needs to get puck deep and keep the Gophers on their heels. Last night the Fighting Sioux made undisciplined errors that they couldn’t recover from in the end. They must be better tonight if they want to advance to the Red Baron Final Five.

Sunday Game to look forward to

While the officiating was sub par and sucked, I don't think anyone has blamed the loss on the officiating. The Sioux didn't execute last night and they got beat by a team that had nothing to lose. Alex Kangas was on TV talking about how he hated North Dakota and playing up here, let’s remind him tonight why he doesn't like playing here. This Gopher team's mental make up is weak and can be shattered with a few well time goals. If the Sioux can get to Kangas early he will crumble like a prom dress at an after prom party. The Sioux need to be miserable to play against and play with an edge.

Links to the Series

MEN'S HOCKEY: Sioux fall to Gophers

Red Star and Sickel: Given up for dead, U forces Game 3

College Hockey News: WCHA Tournament Roundup

Gopher Puck Live: Gophers Surprise – Rebound to Force Game 3

USCHO.COM: Kangas Stops 41 as Minnesota Tops North Dakota 4-2

Fighting Sioux: Gophers force game three with 4-2 win over Sioux Gophers play hard and give good effort in 4-2 victory over North Dakota; series finale Sunday

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Did anyone else notice how close Kangas came to making a bonehead play in the closing seconds of the game when he decided to pass the puck up to Tony Lucia rather than safely put it in the corner? If one of the two Sioux players near him had gotten their stick on the puck, they would have had a wide open net and the game would have been tied.

    It worked out because the Gophers got the meaningless empty netter with one second to play, but it just as easly could have backfired big time. I was surprised that Kangas took such a huge risk with so much on the line.

  2. We noticed that and it was even more apparent when I went home and re-watched the end of the game on my DVR. If UND scores on the play I think the lights would have gone out on UND season.

    PCM, did you see the love tap that Hexy game Schroder after he scored on the open net. Kind of a calling card for tonight. Kinda like hey punk take that for padding your stats.

  3. Yep, Cephis dove. Had nothing to do with eidness, I'm sure "accidently" sticking out his stick and catching him in the shins. Fact is, he stuck his stick out, thus tripping cephis and getting a tripping penalty. No gentlemans code for trying to pull a sly cheap move, is there. He did it, got caught, and got a penalty. If he would have done nothing, no trip, no penalty. Plan and simple. The fact is that UND fans have gotten so use to the chippy cheap stuff, that they now believe its not a penalty. Your reputations on the ice are again catching up with you and you can't handle it. Same goes for Hextal getting punched and both of them going for roughing. Hextal actually did nothing wrong, but all season he has, and this time, his reputation got him a penalty, wrong call, true, but he got away with a lot this year that should have been called and wasn't. Play on the edge of the rules, sometimes, you fall off.

  4. Jon, you really don't understand hockey one lick do you? If you skate through any goaltenders crease your going to get hit. See that blue paint out there many men have gotten their ass beat skating in there. C-piss was in there for one reason to get a reaction sl he could dive. The ref bought it hook line and sinker we expect more from a veteran official than that.

    C-piss is a punk like Roe.

    There is a code and hockey and apparently some of the Huskie fans don't have a clue about what that is from reading some their posts.

  5. Then why was there a penalty at all? Why did eidsness pull the ol' sneaky pete and just stick out his stick and pull it back? You need to put away your book of unwritten rules and crack open the real one soon to figure out this game. The crease isn't a anything goes zone. If it was, why didn't eidness do the "manly" or "code" thing then and pound the tar out of Ciphis? what is it, cheap trip call, or cowardly rule enforcement by eidsness? Cephis didn't interfer with the goalie, the susie went low, cephis went hi, and eidness got caught doing a dirty. Case closed. Great that you are passonate about your team, but take off the green shaded glasses once in awhile and enjoy the college hockey that everyone else does, legally.

  6. Jon talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, the crease is like the middle on the football field you don't go there unless you want to get hit.

  7. If you're confuse see how Kangas reacted when the Sioux have come around his net, tonight the Gopher defenseman pushed the Sioux player into him and he freaked out.

  8. If there is play in front of the net, yes. If there is a scrum in front of the net, yes. If no one is there, big difference. Once again,skating full go after the puck, his choices would be, 10 interfer with the sue player, hence penalty, 2) run into the net, 3) skate thru the crease. He did three. No goalie interference, no harm, no foul, until he is tripped. The crease is not a sancuary, otherwise the players would not be allowed in there at all, and yes they can go in there. If not for eidsnes trip, total non issue. If the play is in front of net, players are in the crease, yes the beatings will begin. Poke, slash, pile on the goalie when he has the puck, bonecrushing will ensue. Touch the goalie in the above situations, Good night. Be in the crease when the puck is in the offensive zone and you are screening the goalie, play is stopped and brought outside the zone. Nowhere does it say, skate through the crease and get your legs taken out. I would even be willing to say give him a chuck with your blocker, which could be considered interference also, but a trip is a trip is a trip. There are no "no penalty zones" on the ice.

  9. I agree with Jon on one point, Eidness's stick was there, he did make contact with Cepis he should get the trip. I disagree with Jon in that Cepis should have also got a diving or embellishment minor to offset Ediness's trip. kind of like they do in the NHL.

    Also Jon it is funny you talk about Hextall's rep catching up with him. Now Cepis also has a rep and it is going to catch up with him sooner or later. He is going to actually get tripped and some ref isn't going to call it because he "cried wolf" so many times.

    Lastly why does Hextall have this rep? Yes he talks and opposing players take out there frustrations on him but rarely does he ever initiate any illegal physical activity. I am not saying he is an angel, I have seen him slash, hook, etc. but no worse than any other player in the league. I don't get it? Because he talks trash to other players it means he has to go to the box when the maul him?

    Also what about Cepis constantly trying to hit Sioux players after the whistle it was getting a bit ridiculous last night. He threw his shoulder into Kristo like 5 times after the whistle.

    I loved when Carman went to hit Blood after time expired at the end of the second and Carman went down...Classic!

    Lastly, a note to Alex Kangas: When your own defenseman pushes an opposing player into you, I would try not to freak out and use your blocker as a weapon on the opposing player, you will get a penalty everytime.
