Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

NHL not serious about protecting it's players.

I was driving around town when I found out that the disgusting waste of human life Matt Cooke was not suspended by the NHL for the hit above. You have got to be kidding me? Think about this for a moment; the NHL just spent three days meeting in Boca Raton, Florida discussing head shots and wanting to elimiate them from the NHL and then this ruling from Colin Campbell comes down.

Seriously, is your head spinning yet? Mine is. I am not sure how I can write this blog post without using colorful and profane language to describe how feel about that disgusting piece of camel dung that is Matt Cooke. If you watch any amount of NHL hockey you will know Matt Cooke is a cheap shot artist that skates up and down the ice taking liberties with opposition players. When Challenged to a fight for his thuggery Matt Cooke will turtle and or will only fight European and other more skilled players not known for their fighting skills.

I hold Cooke in the same low regard that I held former thug Claude Lemieux and eventually they get what is rightfully coming to them, live by the sword you die by the sword. Eventually, someone is going to come to collect on the bill that past due and Matt Cooke won’t be able to duck out or turtle this time. This is what I hope happens to Mister Cooke, check out this beat down that Claude “the Fraud” took.

Some examples of Matt Cooke's thuggery

The Matt Cooke knee on Eric Cole

Cooke Cheaps Anisimov - 2 Game Suspension
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I'm not sure how best to coin it, but I follow a blog that I have found entertaining in the past, but, in the case of this hit, hit it dead on.

    Down Goes Brown is the blog. He's a blogger that follows the Toronto Maple Leafs. That being said, he said it right on.

    I'll summerize it by my interpretation into two points:

    1. Intent is a problem of determination. The officials don't feel comfortable determining intent and the league doesn't have the balls to do it either.

    2. Hate the hit, call Cooke a thug, you'd be right. HOWEVER, there is no rule against what Cooke did at this time. So, the suspension would have been popular with the fans but terrible with the rulebook. Now, with the recommendation by the GMs going to the next stage, next year when Cooke does it again, DGB is right. Cooke gets a multi digit suspension.

  2. Collin Campbell is a piece of sh*t an should be fired, the stars around the league should be looking over their should because I can predict what is going to happen next. The next game between the Bruins and the Pens is going to be ugly. I hope someone is wiping Cooke up and down the ice.

    Head shots are ok as long as you don't leave your feet or use an elbow...

    Intent to injure just like the blog post says. (Update: As commenters point out, there are match penalties for "attempts to injure an opponent in any manner". So it's wrong to say there's nothing in the rulebook on this. That said, I can't remember ever seeing a match penalty called on a hit that didn't violate any other rule.)
