Goon's World Extras

Monday, March 08, 2010

More Steve Downie antics.

Stick salute to Puck Daddy. Check this video this is wild stuff, classic Donny brook, while Downie does hit the Atlanta defender high and leaves his feet, the MacAurther crosscheck on St Louis was uncalled for, bush league and late, he doesn’t even get a penalty on the play. The two buffoons announcing the game can't see past the homer glasses. I thought it was interesting so I included it.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. In this NHL fight the referee is dressed in all black. And big numbers on the players.

  2. The Yotes are a mess and now in the running for a playoff spot for the Stanley Cup playoffs.

  3. It wasn't late, the play was still alive and you can hear St.Louis ping one, maybe two off the pipe before he got buried. I don't think it was a crosscheck either, you can see MacArthur put his second hand back on the stick after the hit. Definitely deserving of a penalty though.

    Were those the Wisco announcers? Didn't think anyone else was that bad.

  4. Those guys are pretty bad. Entertaining video though. Hey Goon, you should post a video with your favorite player, Scott Hartnell, aka mop head!

    Seriously though, Ovechkin scored an absolutely filthy goal last night to tie the game against Dallas.

  5. I was watching some of that game last night I wonder if the goal is in the highlites yet?

    Mop head, I can't stand thay guy. LOL!
