Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Flyers' hack Carcillo suspended 2 games

Flyers' hack Daniel Carcillo and tough guy want a be has been given a two game suspension by the NHL for his attempted decapitation of Devils tough guy David Clarkson. At first I thought this suspension might have been handed out based on the players past reputation and prior acts (the guy is a hack and a gutless puke) but in looking at the video I don't have a problem with the two game suspension, I think the suspension is just about right, even though the Flyers' GM Paul Holmgren is disappointed and thinks the suspension is not warranted; Of course he does.

If Carcillo really wanted to fight David Clarkson, why did he come high with his stick with his gloves still on? Look at the video again Carcillo is a gutless puke that doesn’t fight the leagues tough guys very often and he didn't want to fight Clarkson either.
The NHL has suspended Flyers forward Daniel Carcillo for two games for a hit on the New Jersey Devils' David Clarkson on Sunday.

At 15:14 of the third period of Sunday's game, Carcillo and Clarkson came together, and during some pushing and shoving, Carcillo high-sticked Clarkson in the face, opening a cut.

Carcillo was assessed a match penalty, which brought automatic League review.

"I am disappointed in this decision by the League office," said Flyers General Manager Paul Holmgren. "This was clearly an accidental high stick and I do not believe a match penalty (for intent to injure) was the call that was warranted."

Carcillo is fourth in the NHL with 196 penalty minutes, but he also has 11 goals and 20 points in 72 games and has played a large portion of the season on the Flyers' top line, with Mike Richards and Simon Gagne. He also leads the team with 181 hits.

Carcillo will miss games Thursday against the Islanders and Saturday against the Canadiens. This is his second suspension of the season, following [NHL.COM]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Carcillo didn't run Clarkson. This was retaliation.

    Clarkson actually initiates the whole thing with a nice slash to Carcillo's shins. IIRC, Clarkson makes a second run at Carcillo before the play moves on. Carcillo then circles back and two hands Clarkson to the jaw.

    Clarkson's no angel in this one. But he didn't cheap shot Carcillo. He just illegally slashed him... I guess that's better than Carcillo?

    I think both were stupid.

  2. I honestly don't care if Clarkson slashed him, I am sure Clarkson was trying to get him to fight. A slash on the leg doesn't equal a cross check to the head. I think Carcillo is a major league hack and I would love nothing more than to see some heavy weight beat the tar out of him and give him what he deserves. Carcillo is a disgrace.

  3. But I agree Clarkson isn't any angel either you're right.

  4. Say what you will about Carcillo, but at least he is a goon who can skate and score like McSorely. I'd like to see Boogaard put up 20 points in his career let alone in a season like Carcillo has. I'm sure most of you have quit watching the Wild if you ever even started that is, well Boogaard had a near breakaway the other night, fumbled it up of course, but then he got two chances on the doorstep of the goal and couldn't put it home. No one will fight him anymore too, he is worthless. Goon, some bad news, looks like the Wild will qualify and resign Sheppard if they can't trade him this summer.

  5. Charles has a good point Goon. Carcillo, although a complete hack in my opinion as well, does has at least some value because he's got about 20 points this season. He's also pretty good at getting under the opposition's best player (remember Gaborik getting his clocked cleaned a while back?) skin. He does take a ton of penalties, and a lot of them are sloppy/lazy too though. The Flyers do actually need him right now, they're without Carter and down to a 34 year old third string goaltender.

  6. Charles does have a good point.

    There is a place in hockey for goons (not cheap shot artists) that can score or play solid D. Carcillo (despite doing a bang up job impersonating the GEICO Caveman) and Ott are that kind of player. Downie is getting better with TB (he's still got the Cooke-esque rep though).

    Boogaard would be elated to get double digit POINTS. Forget it in any other category other than PIMs and Fights.

    He's worthless, as far as I'm concerned.

  7. "34 year old 3rd String Goaltender"

    What? Huet was traded to Philly? :D
