Monday, March 01, 2010

Dave Shyiak does his George Gwozdecky impersonation

I would like to see the tape on this one, I am sure it was entertaining for the fans at the arena. I want to go on the record and say that I think Dave Shyiak is a good coach and has done a pretty good job coaching the Seawolves, all things considered. Look at the teams the Seawolves have beaten this season.

This past weekend it sounds like UAA coach Dave Shyiak did his impersonation of the dasher dance after the Seawolves were the victim of a bad call by the on ice officials. I have also read a few comments from fans that said that UAA coach Dave Shyiak should be suspended by the WCHA after he threw a water bottle onto the ice and was ejected from Saturday night's 3-2 Governor's Cup loss at UAF. Why? I believe that Shyiak has been punished enough and I don’t expect the WCHA to do anything additionally. Why should they? The WCHA did nothing to the DU coach George Gwozdecky until it was discovered that he had communicated with the DU bench after his ejection.

Unofficially, DU and their fans cheered the performance by George Gwozdecky and the University of Denver issued a flimsy meaningless reprimand. So if the WCHA does anything to Shyiak I am calling foul, because the WCHA would be showing a double standard giving punishment for one act but doing nothing for the same thing. If anything it’s about time the coaches show a little more emotion and help bring to light the shoddy officiating in division one hockey. Below is the statement from the UAA Athletic Director Steve Cobb.
Statement from Dr. Steve Cobb, UAA Director of Athletics - Feb. 28, 2010 ---- "On behalf of the University of Alaska Anchorage athletic department, I sincerely apologize to the University of Alaska Fairbanks, game officials and to UAA supporters for Coach Dave Shyiak's behavior on Saturday night that resulted in a two-minute unsportsmanlike conduct and 10-minute game misconduct penalty.

Coach Shyiak's actions were out of character and regrettable. At UAA we have high behavioral standards, not just for student-athletes, but for all department employees. He has received a formal reprimand for his actions and understands that his behavior was unacceptable.

Respect for our opponents and officials is a core value of UAA's athletic program and will remain so in the future. We expect our coaches to model the highest degree of sportsmanship." []

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Interesting that you can bring up Gwoz in the discussion but seem to leave Hak giving the finger out of it!

    Hak is just as bad as Gwoz, as was Shyiak to throw the was Motz to confront the refs on ice after the was Jutting to go after Campion in the hallway outside the locker room. These coaches have got to learn to keep it together, though I really feel their pain of having to deal with the crappy reffing jobs all the time.

  2. I wouldn't compare the Hakstol finger incident because it is a whole different animal and more serious, the GWOZ and Shyiak incidents are more simular.

  3. The league is not going to take any action against Shyiak.

  4. Goon, I was at the game, and it was pretty funny to see Shyiak kind of explode. It definitly added drama to a very intense game. The play in question looked clean to me though, (it happened right in front of me). There was also a dirty play by a UAA defensemen, exactly like the Marvin and Geoffrion play; the refs got it right and sent him off for the remainder of the game. I wish you all down there could get a taste of this.

  5. The play by Gorham was all shoulder, no elbow involved, watch the replay if you get a chance. Another bad call.

    UAF fans disagree about the Grant take down being clean. Sheesh, when Bruce and Eric take UAA's side, it has to be pretty bad.

  6. Sue, I would have been surprised if the league would have suspended him, they did nothing to Gwoz.

    Hey is there any video of this hit in question? I bet these would be fun games to watch.
