Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Someone had mentioned Bracketology and Chuck Schwartz has his latest version of that posted over on 60 Minutes, No Alibies, No Regrets, I know it's still early but I think UND might get to see the Miami RedHawks again and that could be an epic game. I don't SCSU getting out of a regional that looks like the one listed below, I would say it looks like another one and done for the Huskies.

Northeast Regional (Worchester, MA):

1 Denver vs 16 Atlantic Hockey Champ
8 Yale vs 10 New Hampshire

Midwest Regional (Fort Wayne, IN):

2 Miami vs 14 Minnesota-Duluth
7 North Dakota vs 9 Alaska

East Regional (Albany, NY):

3 Wisconsin vs 15 Ferris State
6 Boston College vs 11 Cornell

West Regional (St. Paul, MN):

4 St. Cloud State vs 13 Vermont
5 Bemidji vs 12 Michigan State

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Yeah SCSU wouldn't get past Vermont. The only way they would ever get past the first round is if they somehow got a bye. Maybe their opponent came down with the
    H1N1 and had to forfeit. I like UND's bracket in this scenario.

  2. This could be a good tourney and it's wide open.

  3. Goon:

    These seedings and matchups will NOT happen.

    Remember, the NCAA had a fit when 4 WCHA teams made the Frozen Four in 2005. They have agreed that a Frozen Four with 4 teams from the same conference will NEVER happen again.

    The WCHA teams will all be sent to 2 or 3 of the regionals, but not all 4. Can't have the best league in the country having a national showcase again...

  4. I don't know if the NCAA doesn't go straight with the PWR rankings and RPI they are go open a can of worms. The WCHA is hands down the best league this season.

  5. given the current pwr, they'd have no choice but to put the wcha in at least 3 regionals. they can't put two of the top four teams in one regional and currently the wcha owns three of the top four positions in the pwr.

    i could see them putting three wcha teams in one regional though. my guess would be st cloud, north dakota, and duluth.

  6. I would love the NCAA to put UND in the same regional as UMD and SCSU, I could UND punching their ticket to the Frozen Four with those teams in the same regional.

  7. They aren't going to put 3 WCHA teams in one regional because that would force an inter-conference matchup in the first round.

    Technically the NCAA has an out clause that they can have an inter-conference matchup if a conference has more than 5 teams in the tournament. But if they can avoid it, they will.

    The only way there would be an inter-conference match up would be if there were like 4-number 1 seeds from the WCHA and a 4 seed also from the WCHA. You cannot switch teams between bands so therefor there would have to be an inter-conference matchup, hence the reason for the out clause.

  8. if their seasons continue along their current paths, north dakota and new hampshire could be perfectly seeded to play each other in the first round.

    how badly do you think the ncaa might be salivating over that rematch? maybe throw us in our backyard (st paul) this time since it was in their backyard last time?

  9. The NCAA doesn't give a shit about previous season match ups like UND-UNH.

  10. oh chuck, let me school you on the world through the eyes of the ncaa: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    the ncaa tries to set the brackets up to maximize profit; that's no secret. putting specific teams and match-ups in certain regionals is the technique they employ to accomplish this.

    i think the ncaa is well aware of the heartbreak felt by every sioux fan in the country last season when a last second goal allowed new hampshire to send the game to overtime and win.

    since the sioux will likely be higher seeded than new hampshire this time around, a rematch in st paul, where thousands of sioux fans could easily flock, would be an ideal match-up to bring big bucks to that regional.

    sioux fans filling the stands in the st paul regional = happy ncaa

  11. one other thing, i was really confused after reading your reply to my earlier post. after reading it a few times and reading your latest post on your blog, i found the source of my confusion.

    inter-conference match-up means a match-up between two teams in different conferences. i didn't understand why the ncaa would try to avoid this when i know for a fact that they actually try to avoid first round intra-conference match-ups: match-ups between teams in the same conference.

    i hate to be a know it all, but when you know it all...kidding, i know nothing

  12. Itra, Inter...whatever who cares. You know what I'm talking about.

    Obviously the NCAA cares about money. This isn't my first rodeo.

    That said, the NCAA isn't going to make any more money by matching up teams like UNH and UND.

    It makes a million times more sense to keep teams as close to home as possible. Hense the reason why I moved New Hampshire from Fort Wayne to Worchester.

    Sioux fans are going to travel wheather they are playin UNH or The University of Ricky Bobby.

    You have to realize that the NCAA cares about more than North Dakota.

  13. yeah, maybe you're right, we'll see.

    by the way, "Itra, Inter...whatever who cares. You know what I'm talking about." don't take it personally, i was just confused as to why you thought inter-conference match-ups would be avoided in the first round. i thought maybe you were thinking that would allow for more conferences to represented in the frozen four, but then i realized that you used the wrong word. so, actually, no i didn't know what you were talking about at first.

  14. Hey Chuck I don't think people realize that for the most part the NCAA goes straight by the PWR numbers usually guarding against potential first round match ups against league foes. Of course now they have the .500 rule. I loved DU getting beat 5-2 by the Badgers by the way.

  15. i hope you're not thinking i'm part of those people you're referring to. und vs unh is a 6 vs 11 match-up, which would make this match-up exactly as the pwr lays out right now:


  16. No, UND vs UNH is a 7 vs 10 matchup. Technically they would play if there were no movements to help out attendenace.

    I feel that the NCAA would switch Alaska and UNH to get better attendance out East.

  17. hmm. we must be looking at different sources for the pwr. siouxsports.com has und as the 6th seed right now. although unh is the 10th so nevermind.

  18. RJ and Krangodance are exactly right on this: the NCAA will not allow 4 teams from the same conference to reach the Frozen Four ever again. That is in the back of their minds and they'll pit the WCHA teams in the same regionals so they can knock each other off instead. First and foremost though: NCAA's top priority here is money. Remember the Wisconsin-Mankato debacle a few seasons ago? Bucky was hosting a regional at the Kohl Center and shouldn't have even made the tournament. So what they did was put them in as a host team, completely keep Mankato out of it, put Denver against the host team Wisconsin in the first game (after Denver had just won the Broadmoor Trophy too), AND then add UND to the regional as well. If that's not a conspiracy, I don't know what is.

    Goon, don't count your chickens before the eggs hatch. Alaska may be a cup cake, but remember what happened against New Hampshire last season!

  19. Goon:

    No, they don't just go straight from the PWR rankings and such.

    The teams out east had a cow when the #4 seed Sioux the #3 seed (I forget who it was, Wisconsin?) made the Frozen Four along with Denver and Minnesota. The NCAA changed the way they seed teams to ensure it doesn't happen again.

    Watch and see, there will not be more than 3 regionals with a WCHA team...

  20. Goon,

    puching a ticket before you even make the tourny can be dangerous. You are in no way assured of making it out of the first round of the WCHA playoffs, which in turn would put you directly on the bubble. SCSU would take UND in there regional all day by the way. That is a 50/50 proposition and would be a great game.

  21. Joe I would be willing to bet that SCSU is another one and done team.

  22. RJ I don't know if "an agreement" was made to never send 4 teams from the same conference to 4 different regionals, but if 5 teams from the same conference make it in, it could be real difficult to seed them in only 3 regions. There's so many "rules and stipulations" for the NCAA to fill out the bracket, I seriously doubt they're going to do whatever it takes to make sure there's no Frozen Four filled with four teams from the same conference. Perhaps teams from the other conferences should do whatever they can do from having another all WCHA FF.

  23. The only reason these seeding will not happen is because there are still games left to be played.

  24. Bemidji in St. Paul would be awesome! It would be nice to be able to finally drive to a regional. And I would like the matchups in that regional also.

  25. Goon,

    Get off of the SCSU bit. Are you that threatened by their program? I'm cheering for all WCHA teams come NCAA time. Their team has has only been swept once this season, against Miami. Both losses were one goal games and one was in OT. They have as good as a chance as anyone.

    I can't wait until they get the monkey off the back and put the muzzle on goons like you.

  26. Just think Ryan the BSU Beavers have won more NCAA hockey games than you beloved Sterns County Community College. Millsy it would be fun if BSU was in the "X" it will be interesting to see where the teams end up

  27. Goon,

    I have been to both SCSU and your frozen tunrda. While Saint Cloud is not the mile high city, it put's your town to shame. I suppose you dwell on SCSU's NCAA history because when they get over that hump, it be one more place where players can actually live in decent town and be part of a solid program. Scared of competition eh?

    I think it's funny how "fans" like you cut down younger programs like BSU, MSU, and SCSU. Keep laughing while you can. What goes around comes around.

  28. Wow Ryan you really don't have a clue what you’re babbling about, first off BSU is my second favorite team, if you had half a clue you would know that I have a lot of respect for the BSU hockey program, SCSU not so much.

    I have also defended MSU-M’s coach when others wanted to throw him under the bus.

    Comments like yours really prove and illustrate why Gopher fans refer to your team as Jan Brady State University.

  29. Goon,

    You are so brilliant!

    Two Letters for you: DU!

    I understand how you wouldn't get that due to my lack of arrogance while my team is having a great year. you just can't stand it that someone call you out on your B.S. I tell it how it is. Sorry I won't jump on your "Get Marvin" bandwagon hence your anti-SCSU remarks. Fact is that it's juvenile at best. I hope SCSU gets their first win over UND. That would be special for the college hockey fans every where as it would mute arrogant fans like you.

    FYI, brackets are a waste of time, period. One or two unexpected teams win their conference playoffs and it shakes everything up. Continue with your meaningless speculation.

  30. ah, c'mon ryan...wipe that poopy-face off and try to play it cool, hotshot.

    if you don't want to read pro-sioux literature, then don't hang out on und's top blogger's website.

    everybody reading these comments can clearly see goon's calm, cool, and collected responses to your obvious red-in-the-face, angry posts.

    don't take jabs at scsu so personally. it's just smack talk. sioux fans deal with way more such rhetoric than you husky fans will ever face. difference is, we know we rock so let the haters hate.

  31. Ryan you're just proving my Jan Brady State reference... Again when your team finally wins something then come talk to me. UND hangs banners for titles you hang banners for NCAA Participation.

  32. personally, i think everybody just has teams they plain don't like. typically there's no good reason, it's just the nature of sports fanhood.

    take notre dame for example. ask any college football fan what they think of nd and you'll almost always get something along the lines of "i f'n love notre dame" or "i f'n hate notre dame".

    having a few teams you like and a few teams you despise simply allows you to get into more games by having a team to either root for or against.

    i always root for the sioux of course, but i also root for mankato, bemidji, wisconsin, notre dame (yeah, i'm on that side), alaska-anchorage, and air force. i always root against minnesota, michigan, boston college, and denver. i might add new hampshire to that list if they mess our season up again.

    the point is if a bc fan gets all worked up because of my friendly jabs, then screw him/her. i'm not obligated to like their team just as they're not obligated to like me team; or are they?

  33. Why doesn't the pig notice he is covered in shit? Because he lives in it.

    And that explains Fighting Sue fans.

  34. Ryan your team is the one that is wallowing in mediocrity 7 > 0
    14 > 0, so run along skippy.

  35. i gotta say, ryan, that last burn?...unless you're only 9 years old, terrible, simply terrible.

  36. Sheesh, this feud between Ryan and the Goon just got real interesting. I actually laughed when I read the "pig wallowing" comment! Well done Ryan. He does have a point on the city comparison. Grand Forks, other than the Ralph, is a dump and St Cloud is a much cleaner, nicer, and has a much better lifestyle to live in.

    I am still crossing my fingers that UND and MN face each other in the first round. Then that automatically means one of them doens't qualify for the Final Five.

  37. UND is lucky they had an Alumnus like Ralph with a big heart and deep pockets. The Arena he built is definitely top notch and without a doubt kept their program competitive. Every team in the country knows how great of an arena the Ralph is.

    I just think it's funny how cheerleaders like goon puff their chests out at past accomplishments. Keep playing that trump card goon.

    By the way goon, last time I checked 7=7. I would never be an arrogant prick and throw somthing like that in MSU Mankatos face. They have yet to make an NCAA appearance even though they deserved to be there a couple years recently. As we saw last weekend the team has heart and competes. Somthing most hockey fans appreciate. God do I hope we play you in the Tourney. What's your address? I'll Fedex you tissues right now. It's good to be proactive.
