Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

You make the call. Suspend or not.

Like I said on the other post: I just watched the video when I got home from work at least 15 times and I just can't see an elbow in there, that is not saying it didn't possibly happen. The video quality for FSSN isn't very good to begin with; this is an ongoing issue. I have been hoping that FSSN decided to go to HD soon.

Since the video of the hit in question is not very good and it's grainy, even on my 40 inch television, I wouldn’t be able to make a definitive determination if there was in fact a questionable hit. I would also hope that the video quality is better than this if and when the WCHA league office decides to review game film and determine if they want hand down a suspension on the play or not.

To me from my perspective it looks like Connolly turns into the wall at the last moment and it appears to be a shoulder to shoulder check that looks like the check in question vaults him into the boards violently, possibly hitting his head on the boards? From the video I reviewed, it does not appear to be an elbow to the head of Mike Connolly from Corbin Knight. There was no call on the play from the refs on the play.

I don't know maybe this is a boarding or charging call? Based on that video which is not conclusive, I predict there will be no suspension from the WCHA. If there is another angle that has better video evidence, I would like to see it to make a determination. My personnel ruling is in complete not enough evidence.

I am in no way condoning hits to the head or endorsing hits to the head, if a Sioux player commits an act that is punishable or worthy of a suspension they should face the consequences. If the league decides that they want to suspend Knight, so be it, I would except the ruling. What would the league suspend him for one game? I am not sure that this hit rises to the level of the Genoway and Marvin incident. Marvin got a one game suspension. Do you think the WCHA will suspend Corbin Knight for this hit? What do you think?
Winger Mike Connolly is recovering from a concussion received in the final minutes of Saturday's game at North Dakota. Connolly took an elbow to the head from North Dakota's Corban Knight. The play was made along the side glass in UMD's defensive zone and Connolly hit the glass with the left side of his face, and has a bruise and black eye to show for it. He will be allowed to practice and play when his concussive symptoms are gone, he said. There was no penalty on the play. [Rink and Run]

Here are a few other links to blogs discussing the issue [Ciskie Blog], [Runin with the Dogs], [Rink and Run], [Sioux Yeah, Yeah]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Suspend him for life, take away his birthday, beat his butt, spit on him, be dirty, whine non-stop....oh're asking about a different player other than your Marvin rants? Sorry, my bad.

    I'm guessing the Sioux faithful will say no way in hell he should be suspended just on the fact that he's a Sioux player.

  2. So is there actually talk of the league suspending him?

  3. I've watched the on demand video of the game on and I watched the Knight hit about a dozen times. I can't for the life of me see how that was a dirty hit. He wasn't charging and even when he hits him it doesn't look like he's moving very fast. It really doesn't even seem like anyone in the game noticed the hit. From the footage I saw I cannot see how this could be considered a dirty hit. That being said I say go ahead and suspend Knight. Its the only way to make things fair since you can not determine whether or not the hit is intentional. If that was a Sioux player that took that hit I honestly think I would have expected him to get up off the ice and suck it up but in the event that he is actually hurt I would expect some action to be taken. All I'm saying is that would make things fair since Sioux fans have been complaining about the Marvin check so much.

  4. LGM -

    Intriguing perspective.

    I for one, never called for Marvin to get hurt. I don't think he should be suspended even now.

    And NO ONE I've read (other than perhaps The Whistler) thinks that the hit was perfectly legal.

    The contention I've seen is suspension or not. I feel that the league should not give him a suspension for this hit.

    However, I do beleive they shoudl suspend the officials for thinking this hit was legal.

    UMD should have been on the power play.

    And to give generalizations like that is rather harsh and ignorant.

    Point fingers at individuals, ok. But put away the broad brush of generalizations... unless you wish to fire spitballs at WCHA administration. In that case, go ahead. They routinely drop the ball anyways.

  5. There was no elbow or hit to the head like RWD claims. I think he hit the glass. However, the result is the same. One game suspension just to show the world that the Sioux are looking out for all players. I think Knight was going for the puck and check at the same time and got a little sloppy with the check. I still think Marvin should be out for the next 2 weekends for what he did to WI on top of what he did to Genoway.

  6. If the hit warrants a suspension, suspend him. Otherwise to suspend Knight to "make things fair" or "to show the world that the Sioux are looking out for all players" would be absolutely ridiculous. Last year these kind of asinine comments would upset me, but my New Year's resolution was to "accept the fact that people are morons until they prove otherwise."

  7. It doesn't appear that he hit him that hard, BUT it does look like Knight would have done him some major harm had he really connected on the hit. Attempting to leave his feet and going high on the hit, he may not have connected hard on the hit but it sure looks like he had some intent to injure.

  8. If the WCHA wants to suspend Knight for boarding, I have no problem with it. But I maintain that unless Knight is some sort of double-jointed freak, it would have been physically impossible for Knight's right elbow to make contact with the left side of Connolly's face, given their relative body positions at the time of contact. After repeatedly viewing the video (as much as I can in stop action), I believe it was a shoulder check that threw Connolly violently into the boards and caused the left side of his head to hit the glass.

  9. +1 to Patrick Miller for something that makes sense

    -1 to LetsGoMavs for being a duster. Yay Mankato

  10. Could someone please point me to the source stating that the league is looking into a suspension? Can't seem to find it anywhere.

  11. Looked to me like a shoulder to the head, so a penalty should have been called. Go figure that the WCHA on-ice officials missed it.

    Here is my guess as to what will happen. Knight will get suspended for a debatable hit to the head, but Marvin will get a pass for an obvious hit to the head.

  12. Clown; go over and read rink and run, it's the article linked in this blog post UMD and Kevin Pates are the ones saying it was an elbow, although looking at the video evidence, there appears to be no elbow. The video sucks...

    The question or premise from the blog post wasis; is this hit worthy of a suspension? Whether the league reviews it or not is their decision.

  13. And NO ONE I've read (other than perhaps The Whistler) thinks that the hit was perfectly legal.

    I'll certainly admit that I wear green contact lenses.

    But trying to be objective as I can be there's no elbow, it was a shoulder on shoulder (not a CFB) and he didn't charge.

    I can see it fitting the definition of boarding, but there are a lot of hard collisions against the boards that aren't called.

  14. Thanks goon. Linked out and read the whole story. Sounds like even the rational UMD fans agree that it was nothing dirty.

  15. No problem Clown, I suppose we will hear about any ruling brought down by the league later on today, if there is one coming.

  16. Key word rational

    I've never had a problem with the person in question but Jeez, you don't start off calling someone stupid.

  17. As a hockey player you are taught at a very young age to get your butt up against the boards so that you catch the pass with your skate, then you can see what is coming at you or what you need to do with the puck.

    That is not always the reality in this fast moving game but in this situation the hit is clean....

    It was Connolly's job to be ready for the hit.... there is checking in hockey for Goon's sake!!

    I just rewatched some of the late 90's Canada Cup on the NHL Net. and am old enough to remeber the WCHA back in the 70's and early 80's Playing or Watching hockey is not as much fun as it used to be.. Let alone watching someone attempt to referee it.

  18. Whistler,

    I love it. You behave like a jerk in the "WCHA Officiating is a joke" thread and cry foul when someone treats you the same way.

  19. I call it when I see it. Knight didn't take an elbow as you keep saying.

    It's clear on the video.

  20. It's just funny how Sioux fans try to pretend they care about players, but then the MINUTE their player does the exact same thing they decry, they fall all over themselves to excuse it.

    There is a sane minority, but overall just hypocrites.

  21. Running with the Dogs: Please report yourself to the proper authorities.

    You've gone around the bend. The videos of the incidents are available here on this blog. In now way could any rational person think they were the same thing or even close.



  22. there is no question that Knight hit Connolly in the head. And we are all in agreement that hits to the head are dangerous. There are two questions that need to be answered.

    One. Was the hit dirty? While I think it was questionable, I don't think it was dirty. Marvin's hit on Genoway and his hit on Geoffrion were blatent shots that were designed to take both those players out. I don't see that same intention in Knight's hit, but nonetheless, he did hit Connolly in the head. Dirty, no. Questionable, yes.

    Two. Should he be suspended for that hit? In keeping consistency with preventing player injuries, which the WCHA has decided garners a one game suspension, yes, he should. Is it an appropriate punishment? Hell no. But the WCHA's ineptitude and incompetency will be prevalent in this situation, as it was in the Marvin situation. Knight will be suspended.

  23. The video is definitive. Knight didn't hit Connolly in the head with his elbow, shoulder, knee or skate.

  24. Oh, Whistler, just dig yourself deeper.

  25. The issue is not elbow or shoulder. The issue is hit to the head or not to the head.

    My opinion: Hit to the head with his shoulder. Both of Knight's feet did not leave the ice but clearly one did and he was moving in an upward direction.

    What will the WCHA do? God only knows since the refs obviously don't.
