Goon's World Extras

Monday, February 22, 2010

Who said this statement?

Here is a question for the great hockey minds. Who made this statement.
"We talk about it — I tell (the players) every week that we can't take foolish, selfish penalties," said unnamed WCHA coach, 12-9-3 overall in his first season as head coach. "North Dakota, they're notorious for roughing it up.

If you see a fight in our league, chances are they're involved. It's a source of pride for them. They try to get nasty and get in your face. That's the way they like to play, aggressive. We've got to be ready for that."
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Matt and Brian are right and actually Lucia basically has said the same thing as well.

    Matt your photos are awesome.

  2. Oh well, I didn't know but I took a shot. Seems to me that the whole league has that opinion of the Sioux, though. I think it started with the win over BC in the 2000 NC game. After the game, all the BC coach talked about was how physical Commodore and Greene and the rest of the team were.

  3. Any one of the other coaches in the conferences and anybody that pays much attention to the conference has said this sort of thing at some point or another....

  4. I'm gonna go with Sandelin or Gwozdecky.
