Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

WCHA Issues public remprimand to SCSU head coach Bob Motzko

So here is the official rebuke from the WCHA. So I wonder if we can assume that the coaches in the WCHA are now on notice and they won't tolerate anyone showing up any of Shepherds buffoons’. I would be willing to bet that the officials’ performance WILL BE a point of discussion in the WCHA spring meetings. Further investigation reveals that Don Adam was one of the on ice officials for this weekend's series. I guess you could color me surprised.
WCHA Issues Public Reprimand To SCSU Coach Bob Motzko

MADISON, Wis. – The Western Collegiate Hockey Association today (February 2) issued a public reprimand to men’s head coach Bob Motzko of St. Cloud State University for actions at the conclusion of the Jan. 30, 2010 game at Colorado College that were in violation of the WCHA Code of Conduct/Sportsmanship Rules.

– WCHA –
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Where's the reprimand for the Official for ruining the game.

    They do it all the time. IMO the officials did NOT cause the Sioux to get swept this weekend. On the otherhand I didn't spend my money to see the referees wreck the flow of the game either.

    I've dropped the NFL because they don't seem to care about how the game is officiated. That was years ago. Foolishly I watched the playoff game where the referees hosed the Vikings again.

    Never again.

    Bad officiating is ruing the WCHA as well.

  2. Whistler I wish the WCHA officials would be more accountable to the fans. They have got to get the WCHA head office out of Denver. They don't have any credibility anymore. Gwoz can walk on the ice show up an official but Motzko gets a rebuke.

  3. Awww Whistler, you know what that is.

    Greg Shepherd: ", How's it going?"
    Ref: Nice, Greg. How's the grandkids?
    Greg: Not bad, thanks for asking. Say, you know about what happened on the ice last weekend? Care to tell me your side?
    Ref: Yeah, I did the best I could. Had to make u... I mean I called it as I saw it.
    Greg: Yeah, well, I noticed you made some mistakes. The fans are saying it cost their team the game.
    Ref: Huh. Sorry, boss.
    Greg: Good. I'm glad you came clean. Don't let it happen again. See you later.
    Ref: Later, boss. Give my regards to your kids and Grandkids.

    With the Bina hit, it was a bit different. Cutting out all the small talk, it went like this:

    Greg: Don, look. I know you are a good ref but the NCAA and the press are expecting me to take action on this unfortunate occurance.
    Don: I said I was sorry. Heck, I'll even send a get well card and flowers to Robbie if you want. I'll even pay for it myself.
    Greg: No, we're already doing that. We'll take the funds out of petty cash.
    Don: Then what would you like me to do boss?
    Greg: Well, we got to make it look like we're serious. So I'm giving you the first month off next year with pay. I'm not going to release any sort of memo stating the suspension, but I won't hide it either. Just don't be surprised if your name doesn't show up on the duty roster until November.
    Don: With pay?
    Greg: Yes. But next time I may not be so generous.
    Don: Ok boss, thank you. Give my best to your family.
