Goon's World Extras

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Nothing to do in Fairbault and Grand Forks but skate.

This one is too good not to share. Having lived in Grand Forks, ND since 1993 there isn't a lot to do here in the winter. Maybe that is why I watch so much hockey.
When asked in a recent interview how he had become such a powerful, quick skater he replied, ” I went to high school in Faribault, Minnesota and college in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Skating was the only thing we could do for fun.” [read the whole article here]

BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot to do in ND in the winter:

    1) Skate
    2) Drink
    3) Watch hockey
    4) Drink
    5) Shovel show when it's 30 below while wondering aloud why the #$%@ you are still living in ND
    6) Drink
    7) Watch hockey and drink
    8) Talk about how cold it is
    9) Drink and watch hockey
    10) Talk about how the cold weather and snow 'keeps the riff raff out'

    * This post is tongue in cheek. I am a ND native, and we used to talk about how there was nothing to do there but drink.

    If this post offends you, you need to get yourself another drink.
