Goon's World Extras

Friday, February 26, 2010

NBC and how they are ruining the International Sporting World (REDWING77)

First off, I'd like to congratulate the Winter Olympics of being the first show to have better ratings than American Idol in around 6 years. That being said, it's not for NBC's, which stands for Nary a Broadcaster with Competence, lack of trying.

Let's look at award ceremonies. We all seem to enjoy the personal stories and overcoming adversity that many Olympic athletes bring with them to the Olympics. We all know about the Canadian downhill skier whose brother has CP. What we don't know is who won Silver and Bronze in that competition...well, at least without looking it up on Google. The fact remains that, if you didn't win Gold, WHO THE H*** least according to NBC.

Don't worry though. I see and recognize the brilliant accomplishment of a Gold Medal. Then again, I also see the significance and recognition of winning a Silver or Bronze. I guess that puts me ahead of NBC.

The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius or Swifter, Higher, Stronger. In many ways, it's been described as the only sporting competition where the competition is almost as important as the result. It's always mentioned on how the athletes only compete in their events and set aside much of the animosity away from the arena. I can't speak to how true that really is, but if that's the case, then why all the bias?

The reason is because of the rule of the Gambler: You always go for the sure thing. NBC broadcasts to benefit Canada. Their coverage is, at times, overwhelmingly biased towards Canada. The only time this isn't the case is when there is no possible way a Canadian can even come close to medalling. Why? Well, only an idiot would say that an event of this caliber wouldn't be popular already in the host country. So, since it is already popular, you play to that crowd. Then you can claim the ratings and popularity as being caused by your "superior broadcasting prowess."

That's probably part of why NBC won't even allow HIGHLIGHTS to be broadcast on other stations.

So, since we're on a hockey blog, let's talk hockey. The two biggest morons ever to be connected to a microphone this year happens to be... yup... Pierre McGuire and Mike Milbury. There are countless Op-Ed websites talking about Pierre McGuire's competence (He's competent, just ask him!). None related to the Olympics better than this one by Tab Bamford of the Bleacher Report.

I'm not sour grapes like Bamford is about McGuire and his stance on the U.S. I think that's more homage towards fellow Canada-first commentator Don Cherry (sorry, I'm omitting my true feelings on him because I don't want to tempt slander charges). McGuire is just filling his role in this case perfectly: To add an overwhelmingly pro-Canada voice at ice level. Heck, with Milbury's "Euro-trash game" comment, so's Milbury. But hey, I'll get to Milbury shortly.

What I do have a problem with is his (and Milbury's) huge Madden-esque mancrush on Sidney Crosby. The guy is a great hockey player. WE GET THAT! It's nice to know that McGuire has already annointed Crosby as the next Gretzky. I'm glad Gretzky doesn't have a problem with it. I would. If I were Gordie Howe I'd have a problem suddenly being third greatest all time in offensive categories when Crosby doesn't yet have the right to be called such. Maybe he will. Maybe he'll outscore Gretzky... but let's let him DO IT FIRST.

In any case, the other big rube is Mike Milbury. He's another example of "just because you played the game [and even spent time as a hockey exec] doesn't mean you actually know the game." Case in point: At the end of the Russia-Canada tilt Russian forward Alexander Semin rocked Canadian defenseman Dan Boyle against the boards. He called that hit a "cheap shot." Maybe it was. I'm not going to contest that. What happened next was Dan Boyle got up, skated over, and returned the favor overtly to Semin. Now, that in itself is the game. Boyle got rocked, had a problem with it, took it out on Semin. Whoopdedoo. Milbury goes apes*** and calls out Semin for cheap shotting Boyle. Again. Don't care. When Boyle retaliates, he basically applauds Boyle for hitting him back. Well... what's it going to be? If Semin's hit was a cheap shot, then Boyle's retaliation was a cheap shot too! BOTH were penalties. Both were noncalls (HEY! When did WCHA officiating make the Olympics?). Milbury's an idiot because he was too blinded by that stupid tree leaf on the front of that jersey to understand that a cheap shot, if you want to call it that, is a cheap shot regardless of the jersey. Had Dan Boyle been a member of Team USA, he'd've probably called the retaliation a cheap shot as well. Pierre McGuire would have killed Boyle.

Bias is what it is all about. Well, so then why don't we switch to radio? Today, I listened to the Finland-US tilt (wow! Let me say that I was dead on regarding Finland... I claimed they were lucky and looked rather mediocre against the Czechs. They used diving to produce powerplays and everything) and former NHLer John VanBiesbrouck claimed that Russia was the favorite against Canada. WHAT THE.... What planet is he on??? The only thing that the Russians were favorites for on the ice was the most likely to lynch figure skating judges after the men's figure skating competition. As soon as Hockey Canada announced the roster, Team Canada was IMMEDIATELY the favorite... in EVERYTHING hockey. OooOOOooo Alexander Ovechkin... THANK YOU for proving my biggest point regarding Sidney Crosby: I don't give a crap how good you are... if your team plays like crap around you, YOU LOSE.

So, now we have another US vs. Canada hockey tilt.... I think I'll watch on mute.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I like Crosby...but I totally agree...everyone has to bring up Crosby in every game. I get that they are trying to market one of the biggest stars in the game but there are a lot of other great players on the ice that they could market!

    For example - Parise... How great has he been in the last few years and in the Olympics...but of course they'd prefer to talk about how good Crosby is...even in a USA-Canada women's game they made the claim that Canada's #29 (i don't know her name) was Sidney Crosby-like....I was like...really? Hmmmmm....

  2. The NHL is trying to do with Crosby what the NBA did with Jordan.

    Canada's #29 would probably out drink and out smoke Crosby, on or off the ice...what a bunch of nappy-headed white hos...

  3. I agree. NBC has completely ruined this Olympics, and the last 2 as well.

    Showing Biathlon, Bobsledding, and Luge on NBC while the hockey games can only be seen on other networks?

    Ok, fine. But last week took the cake. NBC shows the entire Russia-Czech Republic game, and NOT the USA-Canada game. Are you f'ing kidding me? I didn't think it could get worse than the NHL game of the weak (PIT, DET, and or NYR every damn week???).

    Thanks for proving me wrong, NBC. It's easy to see why you are the 4th place network...

  4. The best part about hockey as a sport is that it is a TEAM sport. If you rely too heavily on ONE player, you're almost always doomed to fail. Case in point: PRetty much every LA Laker year up to last year or two after Shaq left. Kobe Bryant ROCKS!!! but is he good enough by himself to win it all? No wait, they have Phil Jackson. So that's good right? Nope. You gotta have a TEAM.

    So, Jesus Crosby is marketed up the yingyang by the NHL and it works. What's going to happen? Well, they're going to have to televise all of Pitsburgh's games or you'll have a lot of "fans" going "Wait, Sidney isn't on these teams!" **CLICK** That's why I can barely name more than 2 basketball players on other teams during Jordan's tenure. Who knows or cares? MICHAEL JORDAN BABY!!!

    And, if we were to believe the media, then how come AO out awards Crosby and Crosby has only 1 Stanley Cup? He should've won every year he was in the NHL thus far if he's as good as the media says.

    Remember: If it is McGuire or Milbury with the mic, then prepare for it. I remember the OT win by Canada in the shootout against the Swiss (IIRC). When Crosby got a second chance I was cursing because I knew he'd pot it. Then it was the all Sid the Kid postgame show.

    I don't know who is going to win the Gold, but I hope either way Crosby does NOTHING. What would be AWESOME would be Crosby giving up a huge turnover to the US and the US scores the game winner off of it.

    Canada needs humble pie. They said they were going to "own the podium" this Olympics. Well, they can have the podium. We'll take the MEDALS.

    Nobodies Broadcasting Constantly is a terrible agency of idiots.

  5. You need to have the american hockey on msnbc since they need to advertise their last place news shows at every change they get. Look how often they promoed the Rachel Maddow show. She was kicked off air america.

  6. Rawr.

    All the people tweaking out about US hockey game need to fuss at the IOC for scheduling it late, which favors on-site ticket sales. NBC isn't going to lose the vast majority of their advertising over a three-hour primetime slot with events that favor the history-proven primary audience when they can show the game uninterrupted on a cable network that no one watches otherwise.

    Also, its a lot easier to show biathalon, bobsledding, luge, etc on NBC because they can easily switch between events selectively because of the short nature of most of these events and expose as much as possible. Hockey fans would wet their pants even more if they missed a little action to promote another sport. Most hockey fans seem to think that they're the only people on the planet that matter, just because they actually care about the game.

    People also seem to forget that that last game didn't matter at all. Yeah, it was an awesome game. Yeah, the US got seeded better. Yeah, we made Canada look like a bunch of fools. But still, nobody won anything. NBC is showing the game that matters on NBC. Settle down people. As much as I like hockey, I'd rather see some events that get no TV coverage ever when they're 'exciting' than see another hockey game.

  7. I don't know what the Maddow Show is all about, but...she says that she voices her opinion one second and has no agenda the next in her commercial.


    Anyways, I understand what Boosh is talking about. And I said something similar after we won. Actually, I said, "I wish this was a medal round." I'm not so sure we're going to have it even half that easy tomorrow.

    I think these Olympics is the best thing that has happened to MSNBC and CNBC because they've never had the viewership. As for NBC, they're still a bunch of screw ups.

  8. Sorry to double comment but I just realized something:

    Pierre McGuire was considered for the Wild GM job. How AWESOME would that be!!! I'd have to debate how anyone could be a worse GM than Risebrough if that became true.

    Good thing it didn't.
