Goon's World Extras

Thursday, February 04, 2010

More on the SCSU non-goal.

Personally I think it’s funny that this argument has comes full circle. UND during their second game against SCSU earlier in the season had a legit and legal goal waved off by the officials, this non goal probably cost UND at least a tie in the game and possible points that may in the end cost them dearly. UND also had a blown call in Duluth where the puck actually hit the net above the glass and then came back on to the playing surface and was shot into the UND net. That blown call cost UND a series sweep and points that would be very valuable to the Fighting Sioux that are now fighting for home ice in the WCHA playoffs.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, SCSU had another goal waved off and it cost them a game, it could cost them a place in the standings. I guess I am not feeling a lot of empathy for them. Two seasons ago there was a scandalous goal that should have counted but was waved off for SCSU. The Wisconsin Badgers also suffered the same fate again against DU. Through some coincidence those two blown calls ended up benefiting DU.

What can we do? We know Bob the refs in the WCHA suck and it’s isn’t going to change until member school grow some balls and convince their athletic directors, coaches and faculty reps to make some noise at the WCHA meetings. Until then the status quo will not change. I don’t feel any empathy for the SCSU Huskies, because my team has been on the short end of every call this season. Like Gandalf says every teams suffers from the refs except maybe DU.
WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod said Wednesday that SCSU coach Bob Motzko's public reprimand for actions after Saturday's 6-4 loss at Colorado College will not include a fine. The league announced the public reprimand in a short news release late Tuesday afternoon. The reprimand stemmed from Motzko's heated confrontation with referee Brett Klozowski regarding a disputed non-goal call late in the game.

"I don't have anything to add," Motzko said after practice Wednesday. "I've already said everything I wanted to say."

That perhaps was a reference to a telephone conversation with WCHA Supervisor of Officials Greg Shepherd. Motzko also made the following comment to reporters Saturday: "We scored a goal. Everybody in the rink knows we scored a goal. There's nothing else to say."

McLeod said the league's code of conduct required a reprimand for such an incident.

"The reprimand is just that: A reprimand," McLeod said. "There's no further action. There is language in the code of conduct where there can be additional steps taken if there's a repeat offense. Then we could get into other things."

WCHA coaches are subject to a fine of $1,000 for making comments in the media critical of officiating. And, in some cases, schools have taken action against their own coaches for their actions at games. The most recent example came a year ago when Denver University suspended George Gwozdecky for his infamous walk across the ice to protest a call in a game at North Dakota.
First we have to correct this inaccuracy. Gwozdecky was suspended by the WCHA after he was kicked out of the game and got caught cheating, after leaving the bench area Gwozdecky went to the press box and was communicating with the DU bench. The league did not suspend him for showing up and berating the officials.
This didn't rise to that level. After Aaron Marvin appeared to tie Saturday's game at 5-5 with about 1:30 remaining, Klozowski waved off the goal. The Tigers added an empty-netter, and the two points at stake meant the difference between being tied for first and in third place in the WCHA entering this weekend's home series with Alaska Anchorage. Even had they finished in a tie, the one-point boost would've put the Huskies in a tie for second, one point back of first-place Denver.

Huskies athletic director Morris Kurtz said Wednesday the matter is resolved and there will be no internal discipline of Motzko by SCSU.

McLeod said Shepherd has spoken with Klozowski about the incident, but there will be no discipline for the referee. Klozowski is in his second year working WCHA games. He did not referee any postseason games last spring. Previously, he worked several seasons in the CCHA.

"You can argue whether the call should be made or not made," McLeod said. "If you look at the replay, (Klozowski) is as close to the play as can be. He lost sight of the puck and blew the whistle. That's it. the play is dead. There's even latitude in the rule book where as soon as a referee intends to blow the whistle, the play is over. Let's say, for instance, he's prevented from raising his hand with the whistle. Once he determines to blow it, it's all over."

Shepherd said he had not previously had any complaints about Klozowski, and that his positioning and action during the play was correct.
This statement is funny in so many ways; I am not sure how the head of the WCHA’s officials Greg Shepherd can make that comment with a straight face? Come one Greg well all know your officials aren’t up to par. This is where the member schools have got to step forward and demand change, because Shepherd doesn’t see a problem and their oblivious to the situation. From what I have gleamed this season is that a good part of the WCHA fan base is unhappy with the state of officiating in the WCHA. Nothing has changed; the same buffoons are still out screwing up calls in key parts of games, costing their favorite teams points. The only way the WCHA is going to discipline their officials is when they become to toxic to defend and or when they screw up so bad like Randy Schmidt did that they have to discipline/fire their on ice officials.
"He was where he was supposed to be," Shepherd said. "He loses sight of the puck, so he blew the whistle. What he did wrong was he should never have went to replay. You can never overturn a call once you blow the whistle. What he should've done was gone to the (SCSU) bench and told Bob he lost sight of it and gone back out and dropped the puck. His job is to explain the situation and go from there. If he'd done that, we might've avoided what happened after the game."

Shepherd confirmed what McLeod said in that the NCAA adopted an NHL rule two years ago that allows officials to call a play dead even based on the intent of blowing the whistle.

"If you look at the replay, (Klozowski) has brought his whistle to his mouth and the puck isn't in the net yet," Shepherd said. "A CC guy pushed a St. Cloud guy into the net. When that happens and you can't see the puck, we tell our guys 'Bang!' They should hit the whistle right now. You don't want someone crashing into the goalie." [Saint Cloud Times]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. OMG Goonster, are you serious?!? Were you the kid that pulled the "screw you, I'm taking my toys and leaving!!" thing too?

    All season long (hell, for years) you've been complaining that the reffing in the WCHA sucks. I (along with just about everyone it seems) totally agree with you. You've called them out on it and had very valid points. However, by pulling this "I have no empathy because it's not my team" totally makes your points null and void. It also makes you look like a complete baby and the typical Sioux fan that people dislike.

    This is not about SCSU or any other team. This is about the crappiness of the reffing situation. While I don't agree with Motz's actions, Gwoz's walk, or Jutting getting into it a couple of years ago, you have to realize it's all about frustrations of crappy reffing over and over.

    I think just about every team in the league has been the victim of crappy reffing. Wait...I take that back, I don't think I've seen it happen to the Gophers. Anyways, it happens almost every single weekend at a rink around the WCHA and it's getting more and more pathetic. The other weekend at the SCSU/Gopher game I finally was laughing at it because it was so insane. Hell, even the bottom dweller game in Mankato against Tech saw Tech totally robbed of a goal for the "premature whistle".

    Bottom line, the reffing has only gotten worse and it's a WCHA issue...not something to just whine about when it affects your team.

    Also, I know for a fact that not all the coaches are sitting back and not doing anything about it. They're vocal at the meetings and on the ice and all that jazz. Bottom line is that McLeod doesn't care and Shepard sucks just as much and of course doesn't want to punish his buddies...much less his own kids.

    So...this long winded point is to quit being a baby in this post and focus on the real issue...the refs suck...and not the "nanananananana...happened to you and I don't care!"

    With that said, be ready for adult beverages next weekend:)

  2. My point being is. "I guess I am not feeling a lot of empathy for them." Until the member schools do something about this, it isn't going to change, that is my point. All of us suffer.

    Also, earlier this season a certain poster (not you) was giving Sioux fans the business for complaining about the reffing and now that the shoe is on the other foot it's travesty. No the job the officials do is a travesty.

    Again it won't change until the member schools get tired of the status quo.

  3. Amy, I didn't expect to reel you in so fast on this one since your team has been screwed all the time as well. I find it funny that the buffoons in the WCHA actually gave the SCSU coach an explanation usually you don't get much in the way of a public explanation.

  4. You don't know if tUMD would have scored or not in the time left. Also, UND could have gotten it done in OT but instead let Justin Fontaine make them look stupid.

    The WCHA gets what it pays for in the way of referees.

  5. I think they finally did an explination because there have been so many complaints and because their press release was so short and didn't have many details.

    I don't really think it has anything to do with it being SCSU. It's like a few years ago when they finally spoke up about screwing up the games for WI and SCSU and issued the public apology.

    Also, don't kid yourself...this was their chance to point out that the refs were right and the coach was wrong. I think a lot of the coaching do a lot of complaining and are vocal but it falls on deaf ears. I think that's exactly why now they're subject to fines.

    It's all a joke.

    Yep, the Mavs have been the victims of very poor reffing too...I think just about every team has been. I think some more than others though. I see the Mavs getting it more but I also think that's because Jutting doesn't shut the hell up and bitches about just about everything. When you bitch non-stop pretty soon when you have a legit point it will get overlooked as "he's bitching because he's a bitcher".

  6. Also, Klozowski has been around the WCHA longer than two years.

  7. All of the referees suck. Good referees get more sucky the longer they are around.

    The obvious explanation for this is that we have bad leadership at the league level.

    My theory is that the officials don't know what to call from one week to the next.

    Again this is my theory, but I think they're told to call it a certain way. But when that call goes against the Gophers (or Dumbver) the refs are chewed out for making what they thought was a good call.

    WCHA refs are paid a lot. They never seem to leave. The fans and the players deserve NOT to have the officials screw up the weekend games over and over again.

    IMO Derick Sheppard and Marco K Hunt didn't cost us the games this last weekend. But they still did a craptastic job. I'm not buying a ticket to have them wreck the game.
