Goon's World Extras

Thursday, February 04, 2010

INCH Chat.

I have to admit that I haven't been a big fan of INCH in the past but I have to admit that Gladdy is definately growing on me. I think of all of the INCH writers I think he is the most even handed. Funny he has more confidence in the Fighting Sioux than some of our fan base.
Bert (Titletown, ND)
Gladdy you seem to have more confidence in UND than most of the UND faithful. Why?

Joe Gladziszewski (2:39 PM)

Must be because I'm from a different part of the country and not saddled with the lifelong stigma that North Dakota is always under-appreciated when good, and absolutely terrible when not in first place. I like the team's grit and scoring depth primarily. They're a tough team to play against, and even in several losses I think they've outplayed their opponents. The worm's gotta turn. [INCH Chat]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. He likes the "scoring depth"?

    Goon, Hasn't lack of scoring been one of the issues during the last few weeks for the Sioux - very few goals? I know it has been for The Gophers, but I thought the Sioux weren't scoring much either...

  2. I don't know. He has more confidence in the Sioux than I do right now. I am not off the wagon though. We have some winnable games coming up.
