Goon's World Extras

Friday, February 19, 2010

How about a lifetime DQ for WCHA leadership

For those that haven't seen this article Virg Foss hits it out of the park and is spot on in his assessment of the WCHA league office. This is another example of the where the league office miss managed another on ice incident, shall we say epic fail.
In the movie “Forrest Gump,” one of Forrest’s famous quotes is “stupid is as stupid does.”

Somehow, Thursday’s decision by the Western Collegiate Hockey Association to suspend UND’s Mario Lamoureux for one game for violating the league’s rules “code of conduct and sportsmanship” brings that line to mind.

If a remake of that classic movie is ever made, I’d cast WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod and supervisor of officials Greg Shepherd in lead roles.

Simply put, the ruling by league leadership to suspend Lamoureux for one game for coming within 20 feet of St. Cloud State’s Aaron Marvin and NOT throwing a single punch ranks as the dumbest decision I’ve seen in my 40-plus years of following the WCHA.

Let’s set the table with this short recap. Marvin knocked UND captain Chay Genoway out — likely for the year — two weeks into the WCHA season with a violent, illegal hit from behind. His hit left Genoway struggling with post-concussion syndrome even today and who knows how long into the future.

For that, Marvin got a one-game suspension from the WCHA, just like Denver’s Geoff Paukovich did for breaking the neck of UND’s Robbie Bina a few seasons ago with another illegal hit.

Now Lamoureux, for not throwing a single punch, draws the same single-game suspension?

Marvin’s illegal hit certainly altered the direction of UND’s promising season. Worse yet, it changed the life of Genoway, a fine young man and perhaps the country’s best college player.

We all knew there would be payback coming for Marvin. Since the league doesn’t protect its players, Lamoureux was simply following the unwritten player code found throughout hockey of standing up for each other.

With the teams set up for a faceoff at St. Cloud State last weekend, Lamoureux came off the bench to replace a player lined up across from Marvin. As the puck was being dropped, Lamoureux dropped his gloves, shed his helmet and challenged Marvin to a fight.

Marvin knew payback was coming. He manned up to it by dropping his gloves and removing his helmet as well. If the officials had let that go, the matter would have been settled. Both players would have been ejected, and the deal done with. Now most certainly it will linger into next season.[Grand Forks Herald]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I agree for the most part with your opinion. But here is the fatal flaw...

    None of the WWE style of play happens in the 2nd & 3rd periods if ND's coaching staff doesn't send out Mario L. to pick a fight that they knew would not occur.

    I hated to see the hit on Chenoway, & the NCAA should have larger penalties for hits like it. But Hepp & Mario both got what was deserved, & should have been even larger penalties.

    It most definitely would have been a different game had the Sioux not gone to the "goon" card to break the scoreless tie.

  2. None of the WWE style of play happens in the 2nd and 3rd period if Marvin isn't sent out to play.

  3. Goon,

    I do not read other wcha blogs as often as I do yours.

    There is a lot of complaining here abou the wcha officiating? Do the other teams' writers and blog writers have as many issues with the refereeing in the wcha as the fighting sioux faithful do?

    If not, do have an opinion as to why not?


  4. No one else spends their whole day bitching about the WCHA officials because:

    1. We don't live in a piece of SH$# town called Grand Forks with nothing better to do.

    2. The rest of the teams in the WCHA have a shred of class and decency.

    3. Most people are smart enough that if they have a concern about the league officials, they would address that issue and communicate their concerns with the WCHA, not run a negative smear campaign. You are running the great WCHA through the mud. Grow up cry baby. Tell your goon buddies to play hockey and quit wasting their talent.

  5. Charlie there are a lot fans that feel the same way. Also, ask the Wisconsin fans like Gandlaf the Red or 60 Minutes, ask them how they feel about the refs in the WCHA.

  6. Ryan, let me guess you're a Gopher or SCSU fan. I can tell by the lack of hockey knowledge you exhibited right there in your post.

    I am leaning towards SCSU fan, because most MN fans exhibit just a bit more class when they post under an anonymous moniker. I love how fans of other teams that live in Minnesota bad mouth our great state and town; you’re probably the same clowns that are the responsible and a cause of many NO HUNTING signs going up around my hunting grounds based on random acts of stupidity.

    These are also the same fans that flock to our town to enjoy a game at our great arena.

  7. Ryan,

    Lastly, Virg Foss is not conducting a smear campaign. Virg Foss was a beat writer for 36 years and is well respected around the WCHA. Virg Foss is an awesome former beat writer and is in tune with what is going on and has covered the Ref and WCHA leadership incompetence for a very long time.

    Any chance you're from Redwood Falls.

  8. Joe,

    How would the UND coaches know the fight wasn't going to occur?

    Also the last time I checked playing the "goon card" does not help score goals, it leads to penalties and usually goals against. If your logic is correct, why would teams even recruit skilled hockey players if they could just recruit "goons" and win every game?

    Lastly to everyone who keeps calling UND a bunch of goons or accuses them of playing goon hockey, yes they do play physical, sometimes beyond the boundaries of the rulebook. But that's why there are penalties in hockey and they have been penalized adequately all year long.

    If you can't take advantage of the power play then it's your own fault.

    Stop bitching about UND until someone on their team actually does something egregious like Marvin did. Because all they have done so far by being goons is give opposing teams a better chance to win by handing out so many power plays.

  9. i'm guessing ryan watches her favorite hockey team when they're in the playoffs and, otherwise, has no knowledge of what goes on in college hockey.

    if she had even a hint of a clue, she'd know that the "smear campaign" is justified and no other method seems to be getting through to the wcha anyways or mcleod would be gone by now.

  10. I can't wait until we play UND again. 8 points has been great already, couple more wins will be icing on the cake.

    The only intelligent people that come from your area have already left your "great town."

    Enjoy your wasteland cry babies.

    Best teams in WCHA:
    #1 DU #2 UW #3 UMD #4 SCSU #5 CC #6 Dirty UNDies #7 UM #8 UAA #9 MSU #10 Tech

  11. I'm guessing Ryan is a DU fan. It was so obvious. It explains his holier than thou attitude and why he believes no one bitches about the refs (Has Denver ever had a call go against them).

    I love how he talks about class and decency as he is using profanity to rip a town he probably has never been to...real classy, not to mention decent.

    I also love how he chastizes UND fans for bithcing about refs while somehow it is OK for him to come on here complain about people who complain about refs...must be classier than complaining about refs somehow. Guess I'll never get it as long as I live in GF and root for those dirty, classless, mower throwing thugs from UND.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Ryan, I love how people from a state on track to have a $1.5B budget deficit challenge the intelligence from the people of ND.

    You, as a DU fan, tell us to stop bitchin' when you are home of the ultimate bitches (the Dasher Troll, The WCHA, and Paukobitch). Should of known lady Ryan was a DU fan.

    I love the hockey we played last weekend. Both nights. That's FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY. That's what we love. DEAL WITH IT!

    My daughter said it best after some kids at school were complaining that the Sioux were 'too mean'...she said "If they don't like hittin', why don't they go play girls softball!' Very proud moment as a dad.

  14. Dan,

    If you didn't notice...we dealt with it just fine. 4-0 and wanting more.

    I love how someone with a daughter tries to insult a guy buy calling him a lady. Keep telling you daughter she is less valuable as a person.

    Seejowski, I've been to your town. What a treat. Most people think players leave your school early just to go pro. Reality, they can't take it any more. Your team will continue to have the same issues as the Gophers. You are a pee on stepping stone to these kids and nothing more. They don't care about yourr community. Just ask drunk driver Frattin or any other Sue with a record. Should have a few options.

    I love how your fans melt down during a marginal season. Who else can you blame?

  15. Holy balls, this one is a good one! It made me laugh out loud right at my desk when reading it. This Ryan guy sounds real classy, doesn't he? Doesn't hold anything back. My man Ryan, thanks for the laugh.

    Whistler - I think you bring up a very valid point here. If Marvin sits the 2nd and 3rd period, it is quite that WWF tusssle doesn't even happen.

    Hey Goon, what's with the NO HUNTING thing up there again? I'm a hunter-person, so I'm quite intrigued by the comment.

  16. I was commenting on Ryan and his train or lack of train of thought, the hunting comment is directed at the clowns that bad mouth our state and then want to come here and duck hunt, at first I thought Ryan was a pompous UMN fan but I stand corrected he is a moronic DU fan that is sitting in his mothers basement acting like a sock puppet.

    In other words he is one of the 5 fans that follow UND and he seems to lack the class that some of the cool DU Fans like DU, Puck Swarmi et el.

  17. Hey Ryan,

    Why do guys like Matt Greene, Ed Belfour, TJ Oshie, Jonathan Toews, Mike Commodore...etc. all come back to GF on regular basis if they don't care about GF and can't take it here anymore? Why do guys like Commodore and Belfour bring the Stanley Cup here when they win? I mean they only get that thing for like 48 hours, why bring it to here if they had to leave early because they couldn't take it here anymore?

    Also what is "a pee on a stepping stone?"

    Lastly, Frattin was acquitted of his DUI charge in a court of law.

  18. Oh and Ryan,

    I forgot to ask what you meant when you said our team (the Sioux)will continue to have the same issues as the Gophers? Please educate me on any similarities between these two programs...I guess they are similar in their histories of success but I would hardly call that an "issue."

  19. Ryan laugh it up because DU is going to suck after 9, 12 And 15 leave next season. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see Chevy leave next season too.

  20. Ryan might be a prick, but his team is leading the WCHA, will likely win the McNaughton Cup, and they are also #2 in the pairwise rankings. In addition, they were picked as NCAA pre-season favorites, and it looks like that more and more as the season progresses. As an neutral by-stander of both teams here, DU has UND beat on this argument right now. No comparison based on pure hockey stats alone. Might I also add that DU went 4-0 against UND this season.

  21. Ryan, You completely trash your credibility with the kindergarten-level portrayal of Grand Forks.

  22. Ryan, let me spell slooooowwwweeeerrrr. My daughter is the one who is already heckling weak minded fans appropriately at 12. I don't know how you think I'm implying she's less of a human just because I am calling you lady Ryan.

    I love how an insulting db like you all of a sudden wants to preach. STHU!

  23. This clip is for lady Ryan: Kyle Radke coming out of the tunnel like a caged lion grabbing the first poor pioneer he can and crushing him....ahhh the memories.

  24. WCHADominates - if you want a DU lovefest go to letsgodu's blog. No one here is questioning the talent of DU's team. Just the douchebag-ness of their holier than thou fans. And Ryan... I don't even know where to start with you... oh yeah... there's this thing called karma... i won't cry if it bites you in the ass later.

  25. Hey Sue Fans. Great game. Nice to see you help out the Huskies in the standings.

    Dan, I'm so sorry I dug on Grand Forks. It's a great town. Can't wait to take a vacation there next January. I hear the weather is nice.

    Charlie, this whole crew has no credibility as the play the oldest card in the book and whine about how the officials have stolen their season.

    Dan, Good thing you spelled slower....? What was I thinking challenging your intellect? Thank you for portraying the true traits of dirty UNDies with you you tube link. You must be one of the hefties in the crowd. Since I am not a UND fan, I will leave your daughter out of this.

    DU will not be sucking anytime soon.mTheir pipeline, like UND's recruits, is chaulked full of top talent. The difference, they play for the team not the scouts, or the name on their back.

  26. Looks like we hit a home run with this one!

    Ryan's got his panties in a bunch. He doesn't address the issue at all. All he does is throw insults at UND, where we are located, and the people who live nearby.

    Meaning: He has not counter argument and nothing productive to say.

    He's conceded to our point of view and has resorted to the same antics that I see on the Kindergarten recess playground: "Oh yeah! Well you're not my friend anymore you meaniehead! You're not going to come to my birthday party!"

    He talks about integrity and taking it up with the leadership of the WCHA... Obviously, the SCHOOLS do. However, we don't quite hold the same access that UND has to McLeod and nowhere near the kind of access DU does.

    It's too bad that DU has fans like Ryan. I know DU has classier fans than him.

    Oh well.

    Keep up the good writing! We all know the more haters that show up, the better the message must be.

  27. Ryan, DU's having a great year. I'm glad you appreciate the link to Radke. It does show the traits we appreciate. Let me list a few:

    1) We never quit.
    2) We don't care if we are outnumbered. (Please note that virtually the entire Denver team was on the ice when Radke hears the roar of the crowd at the door 30 feet off the ice to defend his building). Yes, I respect that. My heart grew with that display of defending his team. Some call it honor.
    3) We respect the tradition of the team, our state, towns, and people... and will defend each other, we don't need other people to tell us what's right. We won't take being lectured by politically correct outsiders. Go hug a tree and sing 'Kumbaya'.
    4) If disrespected, we settle the score at some point on the ice.
    5) We respect highly physical players who can also contribute with the puck. Look at Malone, Blood, and McWilliams this year. Great skaters, good with the stick, and will also crush the opposition with legal, heavy hitting. That's good hockey.

    Ryan, stick to DU. You'll never get 'Fighting Sioux Hockey'.

  28. Keep this post sure is entertaining to read!

  29. It's obvious that Ryan lives in his mother's basement and he doesn't have a clue, as far as DU fans go, ussually they act with class and they ussually are over at Let's Go DU. I would post the link but it would be a shame to see you poluting DG's blog as well.
