Goon's World Extras

Sunday, February 21, 2010

History repeats itself Aaron Marvin hit on Blake Geoffrion

Color me surprised?!? So does this hit reach the threshold where the WCHA might decide to suspend Mr. Marvin for this hit? I would love to hear what that buffoon WCHA Commissioner Bruce McLeod has to say on this matter.

There is no queston, this is definitely a questionable hit, watching the video one could make the argument that Marvin is trying to head hunt Geoffrion on an open ice hit. Let's not forget Geoffrion is also in a vulnerable position as well. Of course there was no penalty called on the play, no one should be remotely surprised either based on the gong show that is Brad Shepherd, Todd Anderson were reffing this game. More buffoonery in action from the WCHA, but hey there wasn’t any fights, can’t have that, but you can have another all-American and Hobey Baker Candidate possibly injured on another questionable and dirty hit. Some day Marvin will have to answer for his questionable play by the hockey code. If anything this latest transgression basically makes McLeod look like a bigger moron for suspending Mario but acting as if Marvin was the victim.

It’s funny how history repeats itself again. This hit has cause quite the stir in Badger land. This wasn't a hit where a smaller player was hit by a bigger player either. Also, Mr Garrett Roe was gooning it up this weekend as well as he took 9 minutes in penalties in the third period of tonight's game. Roe is such a punk in my opinion.
(STC-9 Garrett Roe (2-Roughing) 18:51,
STC-10 Garrett Roe (2-CONTACT TO THE HEAD) 18:51
STC-11 Garrett Roe (5-Cross-Checking) WIS 2x8
This is what Chuck Swartz from 60 Minutes,No Alibis, No Regrets had to say about the Marvin hit. It will be interested to see how long it takes for some SCSU fan to defend this hit.
Senior Captain Blake Geoffrion had a major scare in tonight's game when he took a dirty check from St. Cloud State goon Aaron Marvin to the head. Now, Wisconsin isn't the cleanest team in the league, that's for sure...but I have no patience for hits to the head and this was as blatant as it can get.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Both players were moving fast. Marvin is tall. Marvin has showed empathy for Genoway. He clearly was not trying to hit Geoffrion in the head.

    Had this been a Sioux player you would have referenced all the things I do above to defend him. Guaranteed. Forgive me, but I am really getting tired of the green lenses again...

  2. Sorry Charlie, but I agree with Goon and don't see any green lenses here. No one hates the Sioux more than me, but the action of the Ref's and the WCHA regarding this whole matter with Marvin is ridiculous. IF this was a Sioux player who did this twice, everyone in the WCHA would be up in arms to throw him out of the league.
    What is really sad, is that the WCHA (particularly that idiot shephard) is going to let this spiral out of control until the point Marvin gets hurt.

  3. Marvin's the dirtiest player in the league.

  4. So in the postgame, Eaves explains his discussion with the refs (not sure if it was with Anderson or Shepherd) asking why there was no penalty since hits to the head are a point of emphasis this year. Our super WCHA official said he did not hit him in the head, "he hit him in the face." HUH!?! Maybe our officials need some anatomy lessons too.

  5. Hey Goon. While checking is an important part of the game of hockey, this kind of stuff can't happen. It reminds me of the Messier hit on Modano way back in the day.

    I doubt the league will suspend him, however. *rolls eyes*

  6. On another note, I am REALLY looking forward to the Final Five this year!!! Any chance we can borrow the CCHA officials?

  7. I'm not making a prediction, but I won't be surprised if Marvin gets a significant suspension.

    Not only is this the second injury his dirty hits have caused but it was to one of the favored programs in the WCHA.

    2 games?

  8. Charlie if he was a Sioux player and he did what Marvin has done they would throw the book at him.

  9. I am all for checking and check all of the time, however, you must respect your opponent, hits to the head are not respecting the opponent. If there as fighting in college hockey this wouldn't happen as much.

  10. First off, I suspect 1 game if any for Marvin. Two games MAYBE. But more than that? McLeod has already gone on record saying that a player has to die for any more than 2 games.

    As for the refs, the only thing surprising to me about this is that it actually wasn't Don Adam! That being said, any guesses as to how long it took or will take for Don to call up Todd and Brad to show support?

    Though we all know the buffoonery shown by McLeod will keep Adam and Shepherd employed until they retire (or someone dies), one would HAVE to think they'd be dismissed if they were in any other league...right?

    As for the hit: I think this hit was a little different than the Genoway hit because, in the Genoway hit, Marvin had to skate AROUND Hepp to hit Genoway. Marvin didn't blow my Hepp, it was quite physically skating around the guy. By the way, how about that reputation call by the officials on Hepp? Ask Matt Greene if he knows the feeling!

    Marvin is a punk. I can't wait to hear his apology to Blake.

  11. This whole "Marvin" circus is getting out of control. Are the opposing team's players "off limits" or what? This is not the NHL where you can't hit players like Crosby and Gaborik. This hit is completely clean, Marvin is a big guy, and its finally nice to start seeing him using his larger frame as a force out there. The Huskies are known for being pansies when it comes to an NHL-style physical hockey game. And Whistler, I can think of at least 5 players just on UND that are dirtier than Marvin because I saw it first hand last weekend. Goon - yes, Roe is known for drawing penalties, but he'd good at it and I'm sure the Huskies will take the power play every time.

  12. One more thing Goon, what do you think team USA's chances are against the heavily-favored Canadians today?

  13. I'm all for WI and I don't think Marvin's hit was malicious or deliberately aimed at Blake's head.

  14. This was absolutely an intentional shot at Geoffrion's head. You can even see Marvin adjust at the last moment to deliver the shot to the head.

    Dirty players make dirty hits that injure star players.

    The sooner this Marvin's out of hockey the better.

  15. Though I still see the hit as somewhat cheap, though not as cheap as the Genoway hit, I can't see why SCSU thinks it is an acceptable hit when the RULE BOOK says otherwise.

    Once again, I'll come to the aid of Marvin in the fact that he's developing a reputation directly related to the complete absence of competent officiating.

    I'm starting to think even more that, had a penalty been called on this hit, this hit would have still been frowned upon but that's about it.

    The intent on this hit is becoming clouded to me. I can't say Marvin was making a run on Blake as there is no context to the hit nor any suspicious behavior just prior to the hit (again, see Genoway's injury).

    And WCHAdominates - I expect Canada to win, but I'm still going to root hard for the USA. Why? Because with the game being in Canada and NBC already on Canada's side, and then add in the heavy breathing that sets in every time even so much as a picture of Jesus Crosby is displayed, I can't help but want to see humble pie and the commentators scramble to give props to the US while still staying true to their Canada bias.

  16. Intent Smentent:

    Marvin's illegally injured two players with illegal hits to the head that were inadequately addressed by the on ice officials.

    If you want to get rid of shots to the head you make it clear that they won't be tolerated.

    Once you could give the player the benefit of the doubt on hits like the Geoffrion hit. But twice is too many.

    Give him a couple weeks plus to think about it and I doubt it happens again.

  17. WCHA, hits to the head AREN'T clean, there is a penalty for that, it is called w/ reckless abandon for so many other minor occurrances, but they let this one go. I mean I'm not surprised, Todd Anderson is a abject moron.

    While I'll joke around and make fun of Marvin, I don't think it was a dirty hit either, but it WAS a penalty, for contact to the head, and he should have been in the box wondering when he'll get to take the dress off for being the lesser hockey player in his family, since his sister wears the pants.

  18. Goon, please move on, it's getting old.

  19. Yeah, it's been almost 22 hours.

    Old news, move one.

    LOL. I love these guys who want to shut up the discussion about their guys' dirty hits.

  20. I would have moved on but he went out and injuried another Hobey Baker and Potential All-American player with a very questionable hit. No hit to the head is legal.

  21. Gandalf,

    Here is what is going to happen, since the league doesn't have any teeth to their punishment, eventually someone is going to catch Marvin or another player with another questionable hit that could end his season or career. Hockey players have long memories, Then what does the league do? Throw the book at that player?

    If the league would just doyle out the proper punishment like the NHL I wouldn't have a problem with the process and some of their decisions but the buffoons that run the WCHA. I think it all goes back to the Schack attack on Boe. They have gone down a very slippery slope.

  22. Hey Goon,

    Given your scenario, I must put a caveat on it.

    Throw the book at the person who goes after Marvin? Depends.

    If it is a Badger or Sioux, you're darn right they'll throw the book at him. If it is a Gopher, Bulldog, Seawolf, Tech Husky, Maverick, or Tiger it's a toss up. If it is a Pioneer, it's anyone's guess.

    One thing is for certain: If this crew or Don Adam's crew is involved, there won't be much of a penalty on the ice for it.

    And I still will fade on the Marvin issue but it still comes back to the league officials and Administration.

    Virg Foss argues that it goes back to the NCAA itself, but I'm not so sure because if that were the case, WCHA wouldn't be the only conference with sub-subpar officiating.

  23. First he hits him in the head so it is illegal anyway.

    But he clearly was head hunting. He comes from behind and then the side and Blake receives the puck from the other direction.

    You can't defend it. I am a Badger fan and would never defend one of them if they did crap like this.

  24. The Marvin hit on Geoffrion is very similar to this one below. Open ice hit from the side. The hit should have been called as a penalty, no doubt. But the notion this was a deliberate attempt to injure is a stretch. Regardless,scary play.

  25. It is a penalty, but too many of you fancy yourselves as mind-readers; you can not possibly know if it was intentional. Honestly.

  26. Alright Charlie let me pose you this question, what if this was a Sioux player that had did the two checks in question? What do you think Bob Moztko would have said?

  27. Charlie,

    Good to see a poster on here with the intellectual capacity to objectively review and evaluate.

  28. I guess that would rules you out then Ryan. Charlie is awesome!

  29. Goon,

    Thanks for making my point even more relevant. Does it "rules me out." Just a good ribbing here.

    I'm just sayin, let's not get carried away here. For example, I think Tony Lucia for UM is s dirty player(personal opinion) that does not make every hit he makes a dirty hit. Marvins hit on Geoffrion, a penalty no doubt. Intentional? I highly doubt it. He made a play on the puck.

    UND got a couple of solid wins against a very good UMD squad. You'll be making the end of the season interesting as always. Looks to me, you'll either be playing UM or CC. With the possiblity of home ice yet. Both would be great match ups. The WCHA is a wild ride over the season.

  30. Ryan,
    I would agree with you, I believe Tony Lucia, Brian Schack, Ryan Flynn are way dirtier than Marvin by far, it’s not even close. Tony Lucia butt ended Evan Trupp in front of the Players bench last season and from what I was told agreed to fight Jones and then just ran away. Flynn and Schack are two of the biggest hacks to ever wear the "M" next to Jeff after the Whistle Taffe and Matt Cross Check Demarchi.

    I also hold Geoff Punkovich in low regard as well.

  31. Goon,

    We definitely have some common ground here. We have to keep the real outrage for situations that really deserve it.

    It is outrageous that there was no penalty called in the UW game. Marvin's hit on Genoway was no doubt a terrible hit. However, I do not think he was trying to take either of those guys out of the game from watching the films. Quite honestly, he plays your teams style of hockey, a tough physical game. Unfortunately for him and his reputation he's big guy. He can do some real dammage whether it's intentional or not. I look at his PIM and from what I have seen in person over the last three years, and I don't see a goon at all. We only played against him one series this year though.

    Looking back, the WCHA Refs have indeed have a rough year with bad calls. There are many examples: UND vs UMD no whistle with puck on net, CC vs SCSU goal waived off, MSU vs UW hits from behind, etc.

    Many are justified on your blog with legitimate concerns to be addressed with the WCHA. However, they do get more calls right than wrong(some may argue this) and we should be careful about creating a negative immage for this conference if we want to continue its great success.

    P.S. I'll admit, I was a prick in prior postings and returned banter in an immature way. It's easy to get emotional about somthing you are passionate about. For those I may have of offended, I apologize.

    Good luck to all WCHA teams come post season. Let's keep in clean out there.(Fans & Players)
