Goon's World Extras

Friday, February 05, 2010

He said what?

I guess I would expect more from a college hockey beat writer for a major newspaper that writes for a top WCHA team. The Pioneers are a major player in the national spotlight, but their beat writer acts like a writer for a college newspaper. I don't know, it just seems like most of his blog posts contain some sort of red meat to be thrown to the wolves. You would never see Brad Elliot Schlossman write something objectionable like that.
The Pios got an Anthony Maiani goal 8:59 into the second period to take a 3-0 lead in a truly ho-hum atmosphere at Magness Arena. The play-making Maiani, who was brilliant last weekend at North Dakota, has three points (two helpers). He has nine points (two goals) in his five-game point streak. The shots are 35-17 and DU has yet to be called for a non-coincidental penalty. But the Pios are just 1 of 5 on the power play. They failed to score on a 5-on-3 advantage for more than a minute. After trips to Wisconsin and North Dakota the past two weekends, the Pios are obviously having a tough time adjusting to an inferior foe, and the crowd of around 4,200 has yet to get its their money’s worth. [Denver Post Hockey Blog]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. What? You don't think that team is inferior to DU?

    Aside from that: Goon, that's the way sports writers and fans are in Denver. I know, I lived there for 5 years (including 2 unsufferable years when the Broncos won the Super Bowl).

    The other team is ALWAYS inferior, and if the Denver team loses it's because 1) the other team cheated 2) the refs were biased against them or 3) it was a fluke, a Black Swan event that you will never see happen again in your lifetime.

    Can't wait to see what gets written when DU flames out in the playoffs...

  2. Goon, He's calling a spade a spade - as you often do.

    I know he's near the bottom of your list, but I don't think this is remotely objectionable. Don't waste your time if your busy, but if you have a moment, I'd like to know why this bugs you to the point of writing it up.

    (I am not trying to be obnoxious.) Thanks!

  3. Charlie, It's ok and expected that bloggers would write something from time to time that might be objectionable, we aren't journalists. This guys is worse than Roman.

  4. Goon, I think this is the only time that I have ever disagreed with you.
    I agree with Charlie. There is nothing wrong with his blog. He's an idiot, but this is not newsworthy. You can tell the Sioux have a weekend off when you have time to complain about that.

  5. Gosioux fair enough. I do think that Chambers is a back bencher though.
