Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sioux 0 - DU 2

This is the latest goal to be waved off by the refs this season. There is no reason this goal should have been waved off. Horrible call by the officials, the sad part is that Shepherd and Hunt are the best of the worst. I was wondering if someone had broke a mirror in the UND locker room. UND took it to DU all night and came out with nothing to show for. Here is how bad it is, 0-28 on the power play, 4 goals in the last four games. Here is the post game comments. [Click to listen]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Usually I think you overreact to the refs when the Sioux lose, but I had to admit, that is not goaltender interference, pretty bogus call right there.

    That said, I still don't think there is some sort of conspiracy against the Sioux.

  2. No I don't but I expect the refs to make the right call, if they blow it I am going to be all over them like a laser, if they call a good game I am going to give them credit, they blew it this game. In the last three games UND has lost three goals that should have been goals.

  3. I agree with Charles Goon, you over react about the officiating. I do think it can be better, but you sure are quick to blame the outcome of the games on the men in stripes. There is an easy fix to it: quite simply, win the game. It appears as though the Genoway loss is crippling your team heavily...

  4. You know WCHAdominates if your team had to put up with the crap that ours has gone through this year you would be singing a different tune. The Sioux have more goals waved off that should have been counted as legitimate goals. We had a game where the refs were suspended, this is the same crew that had called a penalty on DU and then put a Sioux player in the box.

    You can say it didn’t happen but it did because I have multiple credible sources from people in the know that said they were suspended for their horrible job.

    I also remember the game where DU benefited from a on a goal that should have counted for the Huskies, I also remember many, many, many SCSU Huskies fans crying about blown call as well. I remember an official losing his job over it. Don't lecture me about the officials.

    I have said in the past that If the refs screw up I am going to be on them like a Laser, it doesn’t matter which team they screw over as well I will be covering it, because the refs in this league aren’t very good and would have a hard time working in the house league in Canada.

    One of their blatant screw ups cost UND 2 points, where the puck left the ice went into the net above the glass came back on the ice and was scored in UND net. That major screw up cost UND a sweep at UMD. So get over yourself again.
