Goon's World Extras

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's here Sioux vs Gophers week...

This is one of the more exciting series of the college hockey season. The Sioux and the Gophers play this weekend in Mariucci arena in Minneapolis Minnesota. With this week of course brings the worst out of the fans from both teams. So let the stupidities begin. I was surfing the Star and Tribune’s web page and I saw a couple comments that really stuck out for me, that pretty much illustrate my point. Check out this one.
Why does some idiot always feel the need to go on about UND? Does anyone in the Cities even care about UND? Why do UND fans feel the need … read more to continually grasp at getting attention for themselves? Could it be the rest of us have lives, have the Twins, the Wild, the Vikings, the Timberwolves, Big Ten DIVISION ONE sports that can keep us occupied on the sports scene. Here is a news flash for all UND fans: WE DON'T CARE, AND WE NEVER WILL! It's college hockey! Women's beach volleyball gets more TV airtime than college hockey. And if UND is so great, why were they only one point ahead of UM at the halfway point? Not much to be proud of for UND fans either.
Swing and a miss here. I would be willing to bet that College hockey probably outdraws Women's beach volleyball. Last time I checked UND is 5 points ahead of UMN, oh course the Sioux have two games in hand. That fact really is a mute point, while the Sioux are sitting in a tie for 5th place UND is sitting at 9th in the Pairwise will the Gophers are sitting at 25th.

This is another briliant piece right Here. I am sure his mother would really be proud.
RinkPiggie - You must be a closet Gophs fan because game after game you always comment about how they played. Here's a thought; if UND is so sweet, why don't you try watching one of thier games sometime? Maybe you live in the cities and can't watch your beloved Susie's. Can only watch UND in a 2 mile radius from the Ralph I suppose... while Minny can be seen far and wide on FSN...jealous much?

ND is a horrible place to live and you hicks all move to Minny the first chance you get; and than you pretend how horrible it is...what color is the sky in your world Mrs. Piggie? Go back to Tractor town; because nobody wants you here either.
I guess this moron hasn't got digital cable? You can get the Fighting Sioux on expanded digital cable if you get the sports package, UND’s entire hockey home games are covered on FCS. Also, that means if you have Direct TV you can also get them on channel 617. Also, there are many satellite television dealers that will sell you a FTA dish and you can get Fighting Sioux hockey that way as well. Another swing and a miss.

I always love how the Gophers fans call UND fans a bunch of hicks, which is quite ignorant of course, most outstate Minnesotans resemble the people North Dakota, in their life styles and demographics. I would be willing to bet that he didn’t study sociology and or demographics in college. So basically he has just insulted his fellow fan base that lives outside of the metro area.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. What both of these team's fans need to realize is that EVERY one of the 28 WCHA conference games carries equal importance and the chance at 2 points. There is nothing more grand or special in a UND-MN series than a Tech-UAA series. Clearly UND is the better team this season, but that's in standings and on paper. The game is played on the ice, let the scoreboard dictate who's better. Frankly every time I read stupid crap like this when these two teams play each other it makes me want to vomit. Get over it already.

  2. The TECH and UAA series is between to bottom feeders and there will be lucky to be 4500 in attendance.

  3. It's here Vikings playoff week...

    That is all people will hear from Monday to Sunday on radio, tv and the internet.

  4. Good point Brian. A UND-Gopher series is very much second-class to the Cowboys-Vikings game on Sunday.
