Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Derek Stepan has gotten his medal back.

This was in Russo's twitter today. The missing gold medal has arrived from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Wisconsin's and Rangers draft pick Derek Stepan just texted me: "I got my medal!"
I had a feeling this is what happened. Being around airports it’s not uncommon for luggage to get lost in the shuffle moving it from one plane to the other. A lot of times a plane will land and there isn’t much time to get the luggage off of the one flight and onto the connecting flight, especially if the plane landed in Minneapolis.

I would be willing to bet that in Stepan’s case this is probably what happened. Yet there were some that wanted to blame the TSA for his lost luggage, as if they don’t have enough problems of their own.

Finally, I would be willing to bet that no one from the TSA actually touched Stepan’s bags, they were inspected by Canadian security. This was all on the airlines. I would be willing to bet that Saskatoon was very busy getting everyone out after the WJC.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. The bag inspectors never touched his bags on an international flight.

    Government at work.

  2. Whistler they were inspected by CANADIAN security not the TSA.
